Sneak Peek: Best Friends' Sister

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"Y/N, do you think Cedric will like this?", Cho asks holding a yellow and blue sweater to her body.

"Cho, Cedric will like anything you wear! You're beautiful and he likes you", I say flipping the page of my book. Cho smiles and admires herself in the mirror.

"Are you interested in anyone?", she asks putting the sweater away. I flip the page again before looking up at her. Cho tilts her head to the side slightly.

"Not really", I reply, "Boys ain't shit." Cho gasps blinking at me.

"Y/N Weasley!"

"I'm not wrong! Boys are a waste of time!"

"Says the girl who only hangs out with her brothers and their best friend", Cho says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm Fred and George's apprentice!", I say, "Which is stupid since I'm the real mastermind."

"What about Jordan?"

"Lee? He's okay I guess." I feel my cheeks heat up and Cho gasps again.

"You don't think Lee's a waste of time! You like him!", she yells. 













A/N: Hey Uniquers! So here's the thing, I start school on Tuesday so if I take longer than usual you know why. Please be patient! Anyways, 

How you guys doing?

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