Best Friends' Sister (Lee x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of Best Friends' Sister. You are Y/N Weasley and you're a year younger than the twins and Lee. You're in Ravenclaw.


"She's our sister", Fred says.


"You're our best friend", George says.

"That's against Bro Code", Fred adds. I roll my eyes.

"You guys can't tell me who I can and can't date", I snap. Fred and George look at each other before looking at me.

"I'm sorry Lee, but if you date our sister, we can't be best friends", Fred says.


"Fo right now, you've been demoted to a friend", George says, "If you ask her out, you'll be demoted to an acquaintance."

"Then I guess I'm just your acquaintance", I say standing up and walking out of the Great Hall. 


I watch as Lee walks out of the Great Hall. I glance at my brothers before standing up. Cho gives me a look.

"Where are you going?", she asks. 

"I'm going to make sure he's okay", I reply. She nods in understanding and I run out after him. 

"Lee!" He freezes and turns around. He gives me a small smile. 

"Hey Y/N", Lee says. I stop a few feet away from him. 

"What was that about?", I ask. Lee grimaces. 

"Your brothers are being difficult", Lee mumbles. 

"Difficult?", I ask.

"They don't approve of my crush on this girl", Lee explains, "And they demoted me to an acquaintance. " 

"A mere acquaintance?!", I gasp dramatically causing Lee to laugh. 

"Yeah, a mere acquaintance", Lee says.

"This girl must mean so much to you", I say, "I mean you're allowing demotion!" Lee nods and a goofy grin appears on this face. 

"She means the world to me", he says dreamily, "I love her." I feel my heart break slightly. 

"Well, tell her", I say. 


"Tell her you love her."


"Because then it'll all be worth it." Lee takes a breath before closing the distance between us. 

"I love you, Y/N Weasley", he whispers. His lips only a few centimeters from mine. I blush letting my gaze fall to his lips. I smile and close the distance between us. Lee immediately wraps his arms around my waist. 

"I love you too, Lee Jordan", I say as he pulls away. He smiles and pulls me closer. 

"It was definitely worth getting demoted."













I burst into the room my brothers shared with Lee. Fred and George scream and hug each other. 

"How dare you demote Lee!!", I yell. The twins cower closer together. 

"We'll give him his position back!", Fred cries. 

"Yeah! Just don't hurt us!", George adds. I glare at them causing their grip on each other to tigthen. 

"It's too late for just a sorry!", I growl, "You two idiots are about to find out where Ginny learned the Bat-Bogey Hex!"


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