Special Girl (Cedric x Reader x Fred)

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A/N: Tomorrow, it's Thanksgiving here in America so...Happy Early Thanksgiving, people! You are Y/N L/N, a transfer from Ilvermorny, and a Ravenclaw. Your parents were murdered and you moved to England to live with your aunt and uncle. 

Fred's POV

Y/N sighs as George and I plop down in front of her. Cedric and Malfoy slide into the seats on either side of her.

"Hey love, how's it going?", I ask. She shrugs and avoids making eye contact with any of us.  

"You up for a game of Quidditch later?", Cedric asks. 

"Yeah, I'll let you hit a bludge at Wood", George adds. She shakes her head again and pushes her plate away from her. 

"No thanks", Y/N says standing up, "I should go, Hemione's waiting for me in the library."

"What's up with her?", Ron asks as he and Harry sit down. 

"I think we know what it is", Malfoy says, pointing at himself and Cedric. 

"Well? What is it?", George asks. 

"That American holiday, Thanksgiving, is this Thursday", Cedric explains. 

"It's about family or something", Malfoy adds. The realization hits us all like a bus. 

"She misses her parents and her stupid American things!", we all yell at each other. 

----Mini Time Skip----


I look up as the door to my dorm room opens and Cedric walks in. 

"Hey Y/N", Cedric says.

"Who let you in?", I ask.

"Cho", Cedric replies, "She's worried about you, you know, we all are." I shrug and he sits on my bed next to me. I pull my knees to my chest and glance at him. 

"Come on, darling, talk to me."

"I miss my parents and my life in America", I mumble, avoiding Cedric's eyes. I hear the bedsheets ruffle as he moves closer to me. He pulls me to him and he rests his chin on the top of my head. I shift and bury my face into his chest as my sobs fill my room. 

"I miss them so much Ced."

"I know, I know", he soothes, "It's okay, princess." I wipe my eyes and look up at him. 

"Cedric, can you not tell the others?", I ask, "I don't need them worrying about me, especially Freddie." His arms around me tighten and I can tell his jaw is tense. 

"Why do you hate him?"

"I don't hate him."

"Then why are you so tense?"

"Hey! Come on, I have to take you to meet the girls at the Gryffindor tower!", Cedric yells, jumping up. He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder and runs out of the Ravenclaw tower. He runs in the direction of the Gryffindor Common Room. He places me on the ground in front of Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Cho. 

"Let's go get ready Y/N!", Cho squeals grabbing my arm and dragging me after Ginny. I look back and smile at Cedric who smiles back at me brightly. Cho sits me down in front of Hermione's mirror and starts on my makeup as Hermione and Ginny look through Hermione's closet. 

"This!", Ginny says holding up a blue set:

"That's perfect!", Cho agrees, as she moves to let Luna and Hermione style my hair

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"That's perfect!", Cho agrees, as she moves to let Luna and Hermione style my hair. 

"Why are you guys doing this?", I ask. 

"It's a surprise", Ginny and Cho say together. I roll my eyes and look in the mirror as they enhance my natural beauty. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Cedric's POV

"Where are they?! They should have been here by now!", Fred yells, pacing by the entrance of the Great Hall. 

"Fred, calm down, they're just getting ready", George says, leaning against the wall with Malfoy and Harry. 

"Yeah, Weasley, besides she'll love it", Malfoy adds. 

"How do you know so much about her, Malfoy?", asks Harry. 

"She's like my big sister", Malfoy says, "I'm going to make sure no guy breaks her heart."

"I'll help with that Malfoy", George says, "That's my little sister." Malfoy and George high-five as Harry laughs. 

"I guess I'm part of the Y/N Protection Squad too", he says and Ron hums in agreement. 

"I feel bad for the poor bloke that tries to ask her out", says Ron, "He's going to have to go through all of us." I gulp and out of the corner of my eye, I notice Fred gulping nervously too. I clench my fists just as the doors burst open. Cho had Y/N's eyes covered with a Ravenclaw scarf. Fred walks over and takes her hand from Cho's grasp. She leads her to the center of the room where I meet them. I shove Fred away but he shoves back. The two of us shove each other for a few minutes until Malfoy shoves us both and removes the blindfold himself. She gasps and looks around the Great Hall. Turkey and other foods (Hermione did research) that were eaten on Thanksgiving filled the house tables. It was decorated for the occasion. 

"You brought Thanksgiving to me?", Y/N asks, looking around in awe. 

"Of course we did", George says. 

"We're your family now", Malfoy says as he, the boys, and the girls hug her. 

"It was all Cedric and Fred's idea though", Harry says. Y/N looks at us blushing.

"You two planned this for me?", she questions. Both of us nod blushing. 

"You seemed so sad", I say. 

"So we thought celebrating Thanksgiving might cheer you up", adds Fred. Y/N smiles and runs towards us, pulling us both into a hug. We blush harder hugging her back. 

"Thank you so much!", Y/N says. She gives us both kisses on the cheek before Malfoy and George pull her away to the food. 

"I'm going to make her mine, you know", Fred says, as we watch her force Malfoy to try the turkey. 

"Not if I do it first", I say. The two of us glare at each other before Y/N yells at us to join the fun. We give each other one more dirty look before joining the others. 

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