You're Dense! (Young! James x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Black, Sirius' twin sister and the 5th Marauder. In this one, you're a Gryffindor. Your animagus form is a Siberian husky. Your Marauder name is Siber. 


"Hey guys", I say, laughing as I plop down in between Sirius and James.

"I know that laugh", Sirius says, looking at me, "What did you do now?" I smirk as the other three boys turn their attention to me. 

"I may or may not have chopped off Malfoy's hair", I say, snatching a pumpkin pastry from James.

"You what?!", Remus says. I shrug innocently as Sirius and James look at me with great interest. 

"Picture or it never happened!", Sirius shouts. I roll my eyes but reach into my skirt pocket. I pull out a polaroid and hold it out. James and Sirius lean against me for a better look. Both boys burst out laughing as Remus snatches the picture from me. 

"Y/N!", Remus scolds halfheartedly. 

"It's what he gets for calling you a useless half-blood!", I say. Remus rolls his eyes before leaning back against my legs. He rests his head in my lap to look up at me. 

"Thanks, Siber", he says. I smile and run my hands through his hair. 

"Anytime Moony", I mumble. Sirius growls lowly as he glares at me, causing Remus and I to laugh. James, however, isn't laughing. He looks at Remus furiously before standing up and storming up the stairs to their dorm. 

"What's his problem?", Remus and I ask. 

"Same as me", says Sirius, "He was jealous." Sirius reaches down and grabs Remus. He places him on his lap and wraps his arms around Remus protectively. 

"Why would he be jealous though?" Sirius and Remus share a look. 

"He fancies you." 

"Don't be ridiculous, Sirius", I say, "He's in love with Lily." 

"You're dense as fuck", mumbles Sirius. 

"What was that?", I snap. 


----Mini Time Skip----

James's POV

"Thanks for helping me, James", says Lily, "I really don't understand what McGonagall said."

"No problem, Lily", I say, opening my book, "It's easier than she makes it sound." Lily nods as I launch into an explanation of the animagus lesson. 

"You sure know a lot about this", she says, "Actually you, Remus, Sirius, Peter, and Y/N all seemed to be the only ones to understand this." I laugh awkwardly as I rub the back of my neck. Lily looks at me confused before turning her attention back to her notes. I continue my lecture as Lily writes frantically. Once I finished, the two of us pack up our stuff and walk to the Common Room. 

"Thanks for helping me, James." Lily leans up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to my cheek. 

"No problem Lily", I say. She smiles at me before rushing up the stairs to her dorm. I shake my head as I approach the corner the other Marauders claimed for the night. Sirius glares at me with Y/N draped on him. Sirius pets his sister's hair in a comforting manner as she quickly turns her face away from me. I freeze as I realize she was crying. 

"Did I do something?"

"What were you doing with Lily?", Sirius barks. I furrow my brow as Remus hands Y/N a tissue. 

"We were studying", I say. Sirius scoffs as he takes the tissue and wipes Y/N's face with it. 

"Don't be dumb", Remus mutters, "We just saw her kiss you." 

"Okay so? Why does it matter if she kissed me?"

"You're dense, James", Sirius snaps, "Y/N's in love with you." 

"Sirius!", squeaks Y/N. She slaps his shoulder as Sirius laughs. 

"Look who's finally not crying!"

"Shut up!" Sirius hollers with laughter as Y/N smacks him.

"So much for being a nice brother", Remus grumbles. 

"Y/N doesn't like me", I say, before any of them can say anything else, "She likes Remus and he likes her." The three of them burst out laughing. 

"She doesn't like me", Remus says, "She likes you."

"And he doesn't like me", Y/N says, "He's dating Sirius."


"They're gay."

"James, you're dense as fuck!", Sirius hollers. I blush embarrassed as the three of them laugh their asses off.

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