Harry's Adopted Sister (Dean x Mute! Reader)

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by Todobakudeku1shipper. You are a Hufflepuff and in Ginny's year. Also, warning: contains hints of abuse and mental health.

Dean's POV

"Hi Y/N", Harry says as we approach her. Y/N turns around and smiles. She holds up her notebook.

'Hello Harry', It read. Harry smiles and ruffles her hair. Harry basically adopted the younger girl when he found out that she also lived with an abusive uncle and aunt.

"Hi Y/N", Ron, Neville, and Seamus say in sync. She flips the page and quickly scribbles something down. 

'Hi, Ron! Seamus! Neville!' She looks up at me and smiles. She waves and I wave back. 

"Oh, that's right", Seamus says smirking, "You two haven't met". Harry and Ron look at each other and smirk. Neville smiles mischievously. 

"Dean, this is my adopted little sister Y/N L/N. She's a selective mute", Harry says, "Y/N, this is my roommate and one of my best mates Dean Thomas". Y/N holds out her hand towards me. I smile at her and take it. 

----1 year later----


I sat alone in the compartment trying not to cry. The compartment door slides open and I look up expecting it to be Harry. 

"Hey Y/N", Dean and Seamus say. I look back down fighting the tears. 

"Hey, what's wrong?", Dean asks squatting down in front of me. I shake my head. The tears now streaming down my face. 

"Do you wanna tell us?", Seamus asks. I shake my head again. 

"Y/N, you have to tell us something", Dean says. I flinch away as he tries to hug me. I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate. 

"I'll go find Harry", I faintly hear Seamus say. The door opens and closes and I'm left alone with Dean. I could feel him staring at me. Five minutes later, I faintly heard footsteps rushing towards our compartment. 

"Y/N", Harry says gently. He sits down next to me and hugs me. I flinch and trying to get away from him. 

"Is she okay?", Dean asks. I feel him sitting down next to me on my other side. Harry starts rocking us back and forth. 

"She's having a panic attack",  Harry explains. 

Dean's POV

Harry keeps rocking back and forth until Y/N stops shaking. 

"Are you okay?", I ask. Y/N reaches over me and grabs her notebook. She flips the pages until she finds a clean one. She grabs a quill and writes something down. 

'I'm okay'. I smile and reach towards her. I pull her closer and wrap my arms around her. 

"You had me worried there", I whisper. Y/N blushes and smiles. 

"I hate to interrupt", Harry says, "But Y/N stand up". Y/N hesitates but listens. 

"What's going on?", Seamus asks. Harry doesn't answer. He stands in front of Y/N and starts to unbutton her shirt. 

"Hold it", I say. Harry and Y/N both look towards me. 

"What?", Harry snaps. Y/N flinches at his tone. 

"I'm sorry Y/N".

"What's going on?", I ask. Y/N looks up at Harry. Harry sighs. 

"Can I tell them?". Y/N grimances but nods.  

"Y/N's aunt and uncle beat her", Harry explains. Seamus, Ron, Neville, and I look at Y/N.

"Poor lass", Seamus mumbles. Harry unbuttons her shirt. 

"Dean, hold this in front of her", Harry says tossing me his cloak, "Y/N turn around". I take it and hold it so that the others don't look. I look down as Y/N opens her shirt. I hear him gasp. I look up and my eyes widen. 

"My poor baby", I say.

"What did you say?", Harry glares at me. 

"I said poor baby", I say. He rolls his eyes and turns his eyes back to Y/N. Her back was covered in bruises. 

"What's wrong?", Neville asks. Harry taps her shoulder. She quickly puts it back on and buttons it up. 

"Here", I say handing her my cloak. Y/N looks up at me confused. She picks up her notebook and writes something down. 


"You seemed cold?", I say. She smiles and puts on the cloak. Since I'm taller, it trails behind her.  

'Thank you, Dean'. She leans up and presses her lips against my cheek. I blush. 

"Can I talk to you?", Harry asks. He grabs my arm and drags me out of the room. 

"What?", I ask. 

"It's obvious you like her", Harry snaps, "Stay away from her". 

"You can't tell me what to do", I say. 

"I can! I'm her brother". 

"No, you're not Harry". 

"I might as well be", He says, "I look after her better than those damn assholes she lives with!".

"What does that have to do with me?", I ask. 

"She's been through hell", Harry says, "Don't hurt her". 

"I won't", I say, "I promise". He nods. 

"When we get to school, we're going straight to Dumbledore".


"To get her out of that fucking hellhole", Harry says. I nod and the two of us go back into the compartment. I wrap my arms around Y/N and pull her closer. She smiles and snuggles closer to me. 

"Y/N?" She looks up at me. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?", I ask. She beams and leans up kissing me. 

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