She's Not Malfoy (Harry x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: You are Draco's twin sister. You're in Slytherin. Harry's your boyfriend in this one.


"She's nice", George says, "She's nothing like Malfoy."

"It's still a no."

"You haven't even gotten to know her."


"Ron, you don't have to like her, you just have to tolerate her for Harry's sake."

"But why?"

"Ron, all I'm asking is that you support us. Support me", I say. Ron looks at me before giving in.

"Fine", Ron mutters, "I'll try to get to know her."


Hermione sits down next to me and pulls out her potions essay. Over the past few weeks, Hermione and I have become best friends. It's nice to have a friend who doesn't complain about how my brother doesn't love her. 

"Can you check this for me N/N?" I nod taking the essay. I mark it up with my quill and hand it back. She scans over my revisions and nods. 

"Does Ron still hate me?", I ask looking down at my paper. I hear Hermione sigh. 

"Y/N, Ronald can be a git sometimes but he'll come around", Hermione says, "You'll see." I look at her and she offers a reassuring smile. I smile back and reach into my bag pulling out two chocolate frogs. I push one towards her. 

"Hey girls", Harry says as he sits down next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple. I blush as Hermione fangirls silently. 

"Hey Hermione", Ron says as he sits down next to her. He meets my eyes and looks at Harry. Harry nods and Ron clears his throat. 

"Hello Y/N." I smile. He didn't call me Malfoy.

"Hi Ron." I reach into my bag and pull out two more chocolate frogs. Ron's eyes widen as I push them towards him. He takes them before standing up.

"Move Harry! I'm sitting next to my new best friend!", he says shoving Harry off the chair and sitting down next to me. I laugh as Harry glares at Ron before sitting down next to Hermione. 

"I thought you didn't like her", Hermione says smiling.

"It's about time I got to know her, I mean she's not Malfoy after all", he replies, "Besides she gave me food!" I look at Harry who bursts out laughing. I find myself laughing too. 














Draco's POV

I watch as Y/N walks towards me dragging Potter with her. I smirk and push off the wall.

"If it isn't Potter", I say. Y/N scoffs.

"Shut it Draco", Y/N snaps. Harry's and my eyes widen. 

"Why's he here if you didn't bring him for me to make fun of him?", I ask. 

"Draco, Harry and I are dating", Y/N says looking up at me. 

"Like you would date Potter", I laugh holding my stomach. I look up at them. Potter's shifting from one foot to another while Y/N crosses her arms. 

"Wait, you're serious?"

"Yes Dray, I'm serious", Y/N replies. I scream causing both Y/N and Potter to cover their ears. 

"Malfoy, calm down", Potter says, "It's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal my ass!!", I yell, "My sister is dating my enemy! Oh the betrayal!!"

"Draco, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go jump off the astronomy tower!"


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