My Little Tsundere (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Weasley, Ron's twin sister. You are in Slytherin.


I run after Daphne. 

"Come on, Y/N!", Daphne yells over her shoulder, "I want to see Theo trying out!" I smirk and she blushes. 

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming!" I run after her and we make it just in time to see Flint separating the ones trying out. Draco stands next to Flint flexing causing the Malfoy fan club (what Daph and I call them) swoon. I roll my eyes and look away from the pitch as Daphne sits in the front stand to watch closer. 

"Oi! Weasley!", Draco yells. I look back at the pitch. Draco's now shirtless and looking directly. 

"What Malfoy?", I snap. 

"Wanna snog?", he asks smirking. 

"In your dreams, Mr. Daddy Issues", I say scoffing. Draco smirks and runs a hand through his hair. I try not to blush. 

"You'll want to snog me after practice", he says, "Mark my words." I roll my eyes and lean against the edge of the stand. 

"We'll see, Malfoy", I say winking. He blushes before turning away. I smirk and lean back into my seat. Malfoy's fan club glare at me and I give them the middle finger. Daph laughs and turns her attention back to Theo. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Draco's POV

"Why are you so obsessed with Y/N?", Theo asks as we change. I shrug and sit on the bench. 

"She's the only girl who hasn't fallen for my charms", I say turning my attention to the door. Through the small window, I can see Y/N and Daphne joking around. 

"They're waiting for me", Theo says, "So don't get any ideas." I playfully smack him with my jersey and he laughs. 

"Do you think she likes me?", I ask glancing at the red-haired girl again.

"I don't know. She's difficult to read", he replies, "Why?"

"No reason."

"You like her?!", Theo gasps. I blush and run a hand through my hair. 

"So what if I do?" Theo smirks and tilts his head towards the door.

"Let's go then. We shouldn't keep them waiting." I follow him out and Daphne squeals hugging Theo. 

"I'm so proud of you!!", she yells. Theo blushes and hugs her back. 


"Are you proud of me?", I smirk at Y/N who gives me a glare. 

"Not even a little bit", she says. I lean closer to her face and her face turns as red as her hair. 


"Shove off Dray." She shoves my head away from her face. I laugh and hand her my jersey. 

"Keep it. It's yours", I say kissing her head. Her blush deepens and she hugs my arm. 

"If it's mine, then I'm yours", she mumbles burying her face in my shoulder. I smile and tilt her chin up. I lean down and kiss her. When I pull away, she avoids looking at me. 

"Told you, you would want to snog me after practice", I whisper. 

"Shut up!" She smacks my arm and hugs my jersey to her chest. I smile and wrap my arm around her. 

"My little tsundere", I say teasingly. She puffs out her cheeks before pulling me down for another kiss. 

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