Best Friends' Sister (Lee x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: This was requested by TaylorPowell989. You are Y/N Weasley and you're a year younger than the twins and Lee. You're in Ravenclaw.


"Y/N, do you think Cedric will like this?", Cho asks holding a yellow and blue sweater to her body.

"Cho, Cedric will like anything you wear! You're beautiful and he likes you", I say flipping the page of my book. Cho smiles and admires herself in the mirror.

"Are you interested in anyone?", she asks putting the sweater away. I flip the page again before looking up at her. Cho tilts her head to the side slightly.

"Not really", I reply, "Boys ain't shit." Cho gasps blinking at me.

"Y/N Weasley!"

"I'm not wrong! Boys are a waste of time!"

"Says the girl who only hangs out with her brothers and their best friend", Cho says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm Fred and George's apprentice!", I say, "Which is stupid since I'm the real mastermind."

"What about Jordan?"

"Lee? He's okay I guess." I feel my cheeks heat up and Cho gasps again.

"You don't think Lee's a waste of time! You like him!", she yells. I avoid her gaze.

"No! You're crazy Cho!" Cho laughs as I playfully punch her.

"Whatever you say N/N." I glare at her.

Lee's POV

"What would you say if I said I wanted to ask out your sister?", I ask as Fred and George sit down in front of me.

"Depends which sister", Fred says jokingly earning a smack from George. At least, I think it was jokingly.

"Y/N", I mumble causing both of them to look at me. Fred bursts out laughing while George looks at me in horror.

"Why are you laughing?", George asks glaring at Fred.

"Because it sounded like Lee wants to ask out Y/N", Fred laughs.

"That's exactly what he said." Fred stops laughing and glares at me.



"You're not asking out Y/N."

"You can't tell me what to do", I say.

"She's our sister", Fred says.


"You're our best friend", George says.

"That's against Bro Code", Fred adds. I roll my eyes.

"You guys can't tell me who I can and can't date", I snap. Fred and George look at each other before looking at me.

"I'm sorry Lee, but if you date our sister, we can't be best friends", Fred says.


"Fo right now, you've been demoted to a friend", George says, "If you ask her out, you'll be demoted to an acquaintance."

"Then I guess I'm just your acquaintance", I say standing up and walking out of the Great Hall. 

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