It's Been A Little While...

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Dear Uniquers,

Hey! It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry, I haven't been active for a while.  I've been busy with school (junior year after all) and I've been working on something that I don't think I've said anything about yet (or maybe I have and I forgot??). 

As we all know, I love writing and I started out on Wattpad as a fanfiction writer. I've tried multiple times to write my own original works, but every time it never really works out. This time, however, I wasn't going to say anything about what I've been working on until I had a finished draft, but I realized it wasn't fair to you guys if I didn't share why I was inactive for the past couple of months. 

I've been working on my latest idea for my latest attempt on an original. I'm only on chapter nine but I have a good feeling about this one. It's a story that I feel like maybe it'll be interesting (unlike my other attempts) to you guys. It's still a work in progress so updates on it will be very slow, but I'm pretty sure the first chapter or two are mostly ready for the public eye. I might have to edit them a bit though. 

So, the news I have to share is that the one-shots might be on hold for a while or will have long time frames in between updates. And hopefully (fingers crossed), the introductory things (author's note, cast, and epigraph) and the first chapter of this new original work of mine will be published on my original work account (ggarcia165) will be published on December 3rd (if not, sometime before Christmas). You might be wondering what the story's even called or what it's about.

Without further ado, I would like to share the description, title, and cover with you.

Title: The Fine Art of Society's Bullshit


 "I've been told that I'm not pretty because I'm not a size zero, and it sucks that that's the way society is. But then I look at the bigger picture. We blame society but we are society. And that's fucked up."

From her gay uncle and his fiance getting discriminated against to getting fat-shamed by her own mother, sixteen-year-old Xiomara has noticed how fucked up society's standards are. When her uncle assigns the class a paper about society, Xio realizes that enough is enough. It's time to take matters into her own hands. Xiomara decides to start a club with the purpose of making society see its bullshit, and her friends are all in.

Now the leader of Society's Bullshit, Xiomara must balance the end of junior year, final wedding preparations, and the club along with the complications that come with being a teenager. With teenage drama and love in the air, Xiomara and the rest of the members of Society's Bullshit are in for a wild ride.



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I'm so sorry about not updating in a while. I just got really excited about this story of mine. I hope you find my lastest (attempt) work interesting and I hope you'll read it and love it as much as my one-shots. I'll publish a one-shot as soon as I can. 



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