The Heiress (Draco x Reader x Harry) Pt. 1

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A/N: Well, it's official 2021 and I'm still writing one-shots! If you haven't already check out Adorkably Conflicted on my other account ggarcia165. Anyways, you are Y/N Leandra Gryffindor (the current heiress of Godric Gryffindor) and your house is Gryffindor. You are the same age as Harry and Draco. This happens in your 4th year.


"Miss Gryffindor!", Dumbledore greets, as I step out of the carriage. My bodyguard helps me down and Dumbledore bows. 

"Albus", I reply, curtsying. He grabs my hand and places a small kiss on the back of it. Sure, situations like these can be uncomfortable but that's just the price of being Godric Gryffindor's heiress. Dumbledore guides me towards the doors to the entrance where my godmother is waiting for us. I rush over and hug her. 

"Hi, Aunt Minnie!" I beam as Professor McGonagall hugs me back. 

"Hello dear, did you have a nice trip?", Minnie asks. I nod as Dumbledore leads the way to his office. 

"Now Miss Gryffindor, would you like to be sorted in private or in the public?", questions Dumbledore, as he seats me behind his desk. 

"Do I even have to be sorted?", I retort, leaning back in the chair, "I'm the Gryffindor heiress for fuck's sake." 

"Y/N, language!", Minnie scolds. I shrug as Dumbledore laughs lightly. 

"You need to get sorted."

"Well, in that case, public", I say, "Skeeter's going to cover it either way. The price of being Gryffindor's heiress." Both give me a sympathetic look as I stand up. 

"Y/N, fix your dress", says Minnie, "Always be a proper lady." I huff, reaching down to fix the skirt. Minnie gives me her rare smile and ruffles my hair. I laugh as we start walking towards the Potions classroom so I can meet the rest of the staff. 

"What time do the students get here?", I ask.

"Around 7:30", Dumbledore says, glancing at his watch, "They just left the station." I nod as we enter the Potions classroom. 

----Mini Time Skip----

3rd Person

"We are proud to announce that after the first years are sorted, a very gifted witch shall be sorted", says Dumbledore. The doors open as the first years file in after McGonagall. 

"Gifted witch?", Hermione mumbles, looking at Harry and Ron. 

"Obviously an important one", says Ron, "If Dumbledore announced her sorting." Before Hermione could reply, McGonagall unrolls the long roll of parchment. 

"Ackerley, Stewart!", McGonagall exclaims. A small boy climbs up to the stool. Harry zones out as the sorting continues and occasionally claps when a first-year becomes a Gryffindor. Once all of the first-years are sorted, Dumbledore stands up again causing everyone to fall silent. 

"Now please welcome, Miss Y/N Leandra Gryffindor!", announces Dumbledore. The students all clap as the doors to the Great Hall opens. A pretty girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes stands there before walking in with an air of pure confidence. Y/N wears a figure-hugging floor-length red dress and a black cloak with gold embellishments that trails behind her with each step. A ruby tiara rests on her head and shines with every move of her head. Y/N glances in the direction of where Harry was. Harry felt himself blush. Y/N smiles before meeting Dumbledore at the end of the hall. Dumbledore bows to her and guides her to the stool. She sits down and McGonagall approaches her with the hat. 

"GRYFFINDOR!!", the hat shouts, 5 inches away from her. The Gryffindors burst into applause as Y/N stands up. She smiles at them before turning and approaching the staff table. She sits down in the middle of the staff table in Dumbledore's thronelike chair. Dumbledore sits down next to her causing the students to stare at her. Y/N seems to realize people are staring at her and looks up. 

"Say something", Dumbledore mumbles. 

"I may be the heiress of Godric Gryffindor but I am no greater than any of you", Y/N declares, "For I have a lot to learn, just like all of you." She bows her head causing the Great Hall to burst out into applause. Y/N  looks up and hers and Harry's eyes meet. She sends a wink in his direction, causing him to blush lightly. She looks at the Slytherin table with interest as her eyes find a certain blond asshole. Draco Malfoy sits up straighter as he felt someone staring at him. He cocks his head slightly to the right, realizing that the beautiful heiress is staring at him. He sends her a wink with a smug smirk. Y/N rolls her eyes as she turns to Dumbledore and starts talking to him. Draco looks directly in front of him with a small smile of content and longing. His smile quickly fades as he realizes Harry Potter's also staring at Y/N. Draco scowls as Harry smiles dreamily at the heiress. Harry looks at the Slytherin table to find Draco glaring at him. Putting two and two together, he glares back. Unnoticed by the boys, Y/N Gryffindor watches them both with great interest and curiosity. Dumbledore and McGonagall notice and look at the 14-year-old heiress with questioning eyes. 

"This will be interesting", Y/N mumbles, "I wonder where this year will go." 

"What are you talking about, dear?", questions McGonagall. 

"Let's just say, there's not going to be a dull moment this year, Aunt Minnie", says Y/N. The corner of her lip turns up ever so slightly as Dumbledore places a piece of steak on her plate. 

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