Your Mistake (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: Hey Uniquers! Before we start off today's one-shot, I have a question. Do you have any book recommendations (preferably YA)? Anyways, you are Y/N L/N, a Slytherin. This happens after the War (your 8th year). 


"Hey, Dray", I say. Draco rolls his eyes and walks away. I pause confused as Pansy and Daphne sit down next to me. 

"What's up with Draco?", Pansy asks. 

"Yeah, Draco never ignores you", adds Daphne. I shrug and look down at my food. 

"He's probably in one of his moods", I mumble.  Pansy and Daphne share a look before they change the subject. 

"Did you see Blaise and Theo during Potions?", asks Pansy. I shake my head and the girls launch into the story of Blaise melting Theo's cauldron. 

"Snape got nasty boils", Daphne finishes, crinkling her nose. 

"Are you talking about Potions?", groans Blaise as he and Theo join us. 

"How did you manage to melt the cauldron?", I ask. Blaise shrugs as we all laugh. Once we calm down, I turn to my left to reach for the potatoes but stop short. 

"Y/N, what's wrong?", Theo asks, placing a hand over mine. He follows my gaze. Draco was sitting down a few seats with Astoria Greengrass draped all over him. The worse part was that he wasn't shoving her away. 

"That asshole!", Pansy says, once everyone looks. 

"That bitch!", says Daph, glaring holes into her sister. 

"Hey, maybe they're just friends?", Blaise prompts. 

"Friends aren't all over each other", Theo says. I shake my head and look away. 

----Time Skip----

"Theo, that's stupid!", I say as the two of us walk down to the dungeons. 

"Come on Y/N, just think about it!", says Theo, "Voldemort really cared about Potter's education. Why else would he always wait until the end of the school term?" I shake my head as we stop in front of the stone wall.  

"Anguis", I say.  The two of us step through the passage. 

"Well now that I think about it", I say, "I think you've got a poin-" The two of us freeze at the sight before us. Astoria was straddling Draco on the love seat. Both of them making out feverishly. 

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!!", Theo yells furiously. Both Astoria and Draco jump away from each other and look at us with wide eyes. 

"Y/N", Draco says. 

"Don't start, Draco! We caught you in the act", I say, "How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through?" Draco stands up and walks towards me. Theo stands in front of me protectively. 

"The spark was dying", Draco says, looking at me, "Y/N, it was dying." 

"You promised me you would never do something like this", I say, "I trusted you." 

"Well then, you can't exactly blame me, can you?", says Draco, "It was your mistake." Theo looks at him in disbelief. I shove past Theo and slap Draco as hard as I can. 

"Don't touch him, you bitch!", Astoira snaps. I scoff before cast a Bat-Boogey hex on her. 

"Y/N!", Draco snaps. I roll my eyes and slap him again. 

"Y/N, that's enough", Theo says gently, as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me away from Draco. 

"Get your hands off my girlfriend!"

"I'm not your girlfriend!", I snap at Draco, "I dump your ass!"

"You can't dump me!", Draco growls. 

"I just did!", I snap. 


"Go fuck that slut!" I grab Theo's hand and turn to leave the Common Room but Draco grabs my arm. 

"Y/N, let's work this out!", he pleads. I look at him and yank my arm away. 

"You said it yourself, Draco, the spark was dying." I turn to leave but stop and look back at him. He looks at me hopefully. 

"For the record, trusting you wasn't a mistake", I say, "Our relationship all together was my mistake." I don't look back as Theo and I exit the Common Room. 

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