Claws & Moony (Louis x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: For the sake of this one-shot, Remus and Tonks live. So, you are Y/N Andromeda Lupin and you are the same age as James, Louis, and Freddie. You four are the second generation of Marauders and all in Gryffindor. You guys are also Animagi. You are Moony (Wolf), James is Prongs (Stag), Freddie's Padfoot (Dog), and Louis is Claws (Cat). Remus is still the DADA teacher.


"Teddy", James replies, "He's coming to see Y/N." I tense, causing both Fred and James to look at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Teddy hates me!", I groan, "He always glares at me!" James and Fred burst out laughing.

"He doesn't hate you!", Fred says.

"Then why does he glare at me?!"

"Because he thinks you're in love with Moony", James says wiping a tear. I blush and look down at my food. Fred gasps dramatically.

"You're in love with Moony?!", Fred yells so loud that the whole Great Hall looks at us. I sink down in my bench as Uncle Remus stands up and walks over to us.

"Way to go Fred", James says, "You got Claws killed and it isn't even October yet!"


"McGonagall's crazy if she thinks I'm singing", I say. Teddy looks at me. We're in the astronomy tower eating since I skipped dinner and he just showed up. 

"Y/N, it's for charity", Teddy says. I glare at him. 

"I know it's for charity, Teddy", I say, "I'm just a shy kid!"

"Too shy to sing for people", Teddy exclaims, "But not too shy to pull pranks on the whole school!" 

"That's different", I laugh as Teddy changes his hair color to match mine. 

"Claws, I love you", Teddy mocks me. I blush and punch him as hard as I can. He rubs his arm. 

"I don't talk like that!", I snap, "And I don't love Louis!"

"Y/N, you look at him the way I look at Vic", Teddy says. 

"Why would I look at him with lust? You're gross Teddy! I'm only 15!," I snap. Teddy scowls and shoves me. I laugh shoving him back. He laughs and we stand up cleaning up. 

"Seriously though, you like him", he says once we finished. I busy myself with pushing the blankets to the far left corner. I can feel Teddy's eyes on me. 

"I don't know about that", I say looking up, "Besides, he doesn't like me." Teddy shakes his head.

"If he didn't like you, why would he hang out around you all the time?"

"Because he hangs out with James and Fred too."

"Even when James and Fred aren't around?"

"I'm his best friend."

"I give up", Teddy sighs shoving his hands in his pocket, "Come on Little Bear, I wanna go say hi to dad." I smile. He only ever calls me Little Bear when he wants to indirectly say I love you. 

"Okay, Big Bear", I say. Teddy cracks a smile and wraps his arm around me. We walk off to Dad's office. 

----Time Skip: 3 Months Later----

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this", I say looking at Fred. He, James, and Louis somehow conviced me to do the charity event McGonagall wanted me to do. They said they would do it too. 

"James and Fred, you're up first", Professor Longbottom says as he shows up behind us with a clipboard and headset. 

"Okay!", they say. 

"Wish us luck", James winks as he and Fred walk off. I roll my eyes and glance at Louis. He smiles at me and I quickly look away.  The music for their song starts playing. Louis and I look at each other. 

"Oh no", we say. James starts singing as Fred starts dancing (if you know what I mean):

"They really did that", I groan looking away. 

"They did", Louis says in horror. I shake my head. 

"Thank God, I'm not related to them", I say. 

"I wish I wasn't."

"Louis! Y/N! You're next!"


"Knock them dead", Fred says high-fiving us as we walk past each other. 

"Ready?", Louis asks handing me a mic. 

"As I'll ever be." The music starts up and I look anywhere but him:

I somehow ended up in Louis's arms. 


"It's you, Moony", he whispers, "It's always you." I smile and he kisses me. Cheers erupt and I can hear James and Fred shouting at Lily and Rose that they owe them 5 galleons. 















Teddy's POV

I stand up with Dad.

"Where are you two going?", Mum asks. Dad and I look at her. 

"We're gonna go kill a Weasley", we say in sync. Before we go anywhere, Mum tackles us both to the ground. 



"You two aren't ruining this moment for my little girl", Mum snaps, "Sit your overprotective asses down!"

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