Happy Halloween! (Terrible One-Shot Edition)

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A/N: Happy Halloween! You are a Hufflepuff. This is terrible so...

"Hey Y/N!", Fred yells catching up to me. 

"Hey Freddie, what's up?", I ask. He shoves a coffin-shaped invitation into my hands. 

"Our common room. Be there", he says. He runs off before I could reply. I look down at the invitation. Y/N L/N and under that it says the Gryffindor password. I think I should feel flattered that they trust me with the password. 

----Mini Time Skip----

I drag Cedric and Draco to the Fat Lady's portrait. 

"Why am I here?", Draco groans. 

"Because it'll be fun, Dray", I say smiling up at him. 

"Just say the password", he says, blushing. I turn back to the portrait oblivious to the fact that Cedric sent Draco a nasty look. I mumble the password and am immediately tackled into a hug by the twins. 

"Y/N!", they yell standing up. 

"Hi guys", I say as they pull me up. They look at Draco and Cedric. 

"Hi", Cedric says. Draco gives a small wave. 

"I brought them. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all", George says through a tight smile. I beam at him before walking off to join Ginny and Hermione. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"She likes me!!!", I hear a couple of voices yell. I turn around to find Cedric, Draco, Harry, the twins, Neville, and Ron at each others' throats. 

"Who could they be talking about?", I ask. Ginny and Hermione facepalm. 

"You", Ginny says. I look at her in disbelief. 

"Me?" They nod. 

"Go talk to them", Hermione says shoving me towards the boys. I look back at them before turning to the boys. I clear my throat causing all of them to freeze. 

"Hi", I say. 

"Hi", they echo. 

"Why are you fighting?" All of them tense. 

"Well, we all like the same girl and she has shown interest in all of us." I tilt my head in confusion. 

"Well, you guys are all good guys. She'll make the right choice", I say reassuringly. I kiss all of them on the cheek before waltzing back towards the girls. 

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now