She's Not Malfoy! (Harry x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N:  Sorry I haven't updated recently. You are Draco's twin sister. You're in Slytherin. Harry's your boyfriend in this one.


"Harry, I don't know about this", I say nervously, "What if they don't understand?".

"They'll understand, Y/N", Harry replies, "You're not your brother". He kisses my cheek and pulls me towards the Gryffindor Common Room. He tells the Fat Lady the password and pulls me through the portrait hole.

"Hey Harry", Ron yells waving Harry over. Harry looks down at me and I struggle to go back to the portrait hole.

"Come on", Harry says pulling me along.

"Noooo!", I whine as Harry picks me up. He walks over to his friends and sets me down on the armchair across from them. Ron and Hermione look at me confused.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend Y/N Malfoy", Harry says, "Y/N, these are my best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger."

"H-Hi", I stutter holding out my hand. When they don't reply, I glance at Harry. He squeezes my shoulder in reassurance. After two more minutes of silence, Hermione offers a fake smile and takes my hand. Well, at least it's something.

"Nice to meet you, Malfoy", Hermione says.

"Actually, you can call me Y/N."

"Well Y/N, are you a git like your brother?", Ron asks. I glance at Harry who glares at Ron.

"I don't think so."

"Do you hate muggleborns?", he asks tilting his head towards Hermione.

"No, they seem like nice people", I mumble.

"What about blood-"

"Ron, that's enough!", Harry yells.


"I'm going to walk her back", Harry mutters, "We'll talk later." He pulls me up and guides me out.

"That could have gone worse", I say as the portrait slams shut behind us.

"It could have gone better."

"Harry, they reacted better than how my brother's going to react."

"Yeah, you're right", Harry says smiling, "Your brother's a drama queen."

"I live with him!", I say laughing. We stop a few feet away from the Slytherin Common Room.

"Goodnight Princess", Harry says kissing my temple.

"Goodnight Potter", I say smiling at him.

Harry's POV

When I get back to the common room, I find Ron and Hermione waiting for me.

"What the hell was that?", I snap glaring at Ron.

"She's a Malfoy, Harry", Ron says.

"That doesn't mean anything!"

"She's vile, cruel, and not to mention biased!"

"Y/N isn't like her brother! She isn't any of that!"

"All Malfoys are like that!"

"Ron, she seemed nice", Hermione interjects.

"She's putting on an act!", Ron snaps, "She's probably spying for her brother!"


"Hermione, Malfoy's mean, and Y/N isn't any different!"

"She is different! She isn't her brother!", I snap. Ron and Hermione look at me.


"I'm going to bed."


I sigh as I walk out of the Great Hall to head to the library. Obviously, I'm avoiding the redheaded rude person that is Ron Weasley. I thought that maybe just maybe I could be friends with him. I sigh sitting down at the table in the back.

"Can I sit with you?" I look up to find Hermione looking down at me.

"Sure." She sits down across from me. We both work quietly sometimes stealing some glances at each other.

"I'm sorry about Ron", Hermione says. I look up to find her staring at me.

"I-It's okay", I mumble, "I'm used to it."

"It's not okay Y/N", Hermione says, "He...We shouldn't judge you just because of your last name." She offers a small but real smile. I can't help but smile back.

"C-Can we be friends?"

"I don't think your brother would like that."

"So? I'm not Draco." Hermione's smile grows.

"Of course we can."

Harry's POV

"Ron, just give the girl a chance", Fred says as he and George sit down.

"No", Ron says, "She's a Malfoy."

"She's nice", George says, "She's nothing like Malfoy."

"It's still a no."

"You haven't even gotten to know her."


"Ron, you don't have to like her, you just have to tolerate her for Harry's sake."

"But why?"

"Ron, all I'm asking is that you support us. Support me", I say. Ron looks at me before giving in.

"Fine", Ron mutters, "I'll try to get to know her."

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