Just To See You Smile (Charlie x Reader)

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A/N: So, here's a short terrible one-shot while you wait for another one. You are Y/N L/N and you are a Gryffindor. This takes place in your and Charlie's 5th year. 


"Y/N!!!", Bill yells running up to me.

"Hey, Bill." He smirks and grabs my hand, dragging me off towards the Common Room. 

"Why?!", I ask. Bill glances back at me, his smirk growing. 

"Your boyfriend", he says simply. 

"He's not my boyfriend!", I reply blushing. 

"Yet", Bill says. I roll my eyes as we stop in front of the Fat Lady. 


"Leo cor", Bill and I say in sync. The portrait swings open and we step in. Bill covers my eyes and leads me up the stairs of the boys' dorms. He removes his hands from my eyes and I gasp. Charlie was holding a golden retriever puppy in his arms. 

"Y/N meet Arrow", Charlie says, "Arrow meet Y/N." He puts the puppy down and it hesitantly wanders over to me. 

"Hi Arrow", I coo, squatting down. Arrow wags his tail and places his front paws on my thigh. I stroke his head and look up at Charlie. 

"A dog?"

"You said you've always wanted one", Charlie says. 

"I know, but Charlie, I told you that when we were 11", I say, "That was 4 years ago, how do you still remember?" He grins and squats down in front of me petting Arrow. 

"I remember every single word you have ever said to me", Charlie says grinning. "Every little wish and desire, this was one that I figured I could make a reality." 

"Charlie..." I lean forward and plant a soft kiss on his lips. I pull away and laugh at the look on Charlie's face; bright red and dazed. 

"Thank you", I say. 

"You don't need to thank me", he says, "I'd do anything just to see you smile." I blush and lean towards him again, giving him a longer kiss. Bill clears his throat and the two of us look at him. 

"This is a very cute moment. I love how my ship is sailing", says Bill, "But I should go." We laugh as he awkwardly shuffles to the door. He struggles with the door a bit before leaving. I look back at Charlie who takes my hand in his. 

"Miss Y/N L/N, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

"Charlie, you got me a dog and stole my first kiss. You don't have to ask, it was a give." He laughs and kisses me again, though it's cut short by Arrow coming between us and licking our faces. 

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