Dear Fred...(Fred x Reader)

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A/N: Hey Uniquers! I'm back (though I might not update as frequently as we want). Since it seems like you liked this the first time I did it, this one-shot is in the format of a letter. I would also like to say that some of these words/sentences are excerpts from one of my own letters (obviously modified to fit the scenario), so if the letter sounds genuine that's because it is. I wrote it for someone who shall remain unidentified. 

Dear Freddie, 

It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. You've been dating Angelina for about 5 months now Fred and there are so many things I didn't get the chance to tell you.

 I've given it a lot more thought than the last time I talked to you. I think it's about time I admit it. I think it's time to make it real. It's time I stop being afraid of it, well somewhat. Love scares me. It's like one day someone's there and cares about you, and then the next they're gone. You become so afraid to get attached, to love someone and care for them again. It's like you're scared that every person you start to like/love is going to break your heart, and that's fucked up. For me, it's gotten to the point where I genuinely don't think that someone will ever like me, let alone love me. I'm pretty sure you'll figure out how hard it is for me to admit this. So, here I go. Okay, I admit it. You're the boy I think about from the minute I wake up to the minute I fall asleep, the one I'm thinking about right now. You're the boy I dream about. Alright, I'll admit it, I love you. I love you more than I love myself. And it scares me.

 When it comes to you, Freddie, I become a flustered mess (seriously no joke). I get these butterflies in my stomach. You'd think that's perfectly normal, but no. You are the only boy I've ever liked that gives me butterflies (even if it's just a mention of you). Despite the fact that it scares and confuses me, I like the way you make me feel. I guess it's all part of your charm. I adore your eyes (if you haven't noticed by now) and your personality. I like the cute faces you pull and the way you talk. I love how passionate you are about the things you love and the things you care about. I know you're not perfect, but for what it's worth, in my eyes, you are perfect and to me, that's all that matters. Even if you are just a stupid red-haired boy with brown eyes who somehow managed to become my definition of perfect and the reason I get those stupid butterflies.

So, I admit that I love you, I'm in love with your personality, your smile, your voice, your laugh, and your eyes. Most importantly, I'm in love with you. I fell for everything you do, everything you say, and everything you are and will be. I mean I don't fall in love often. Actually, I think I've never fallen in love with anyone before. I look at you, and I kinda just love you, and that terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you. It's funny though, I'm very indecisive. I always overthink and I always have a hard time picking my favorite things, but I know for sure that you, Fred Weasley, are my favorite thing/person in this whole world. I mean not many people can take my breath away or catch my attention, but you did both of those things and more without even trying. I think I will always love you and it's dumb, but trust me when I say, I won't leave, If you're staying, then I'm staying because if when I love someone I really love them. 

Anyways, I've written this letter with a heart that was a little too open. Luckily, you'll never read this. You've been dating Angelina for about 5 months now Freddie and I'm glad I got the chance to say all the things I didn't get the chance to tell you. Maybe in another life, it would have been Freddie and Y/N. Maybe I would have been your girl. I guess we'll never know. Just know that being your friend is all I've ever wanted. I love you, Freddie, even if I'm not her. 

Forever yours (though you aren't mine), 


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