The Slytherin Prince's Insecurities (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Granger, Hermione's younger twin sister. You're in Gryffindor and part of the Golden Four. You're already dating Draco in this one.


"Hey bub", I say, wrapping my arms around him from behind. He chuckles as I press a kiss to his temple.

"Hey sweetheart", Draco says. He grabs my arm and guides me around him to his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist to keep me from falling off and rests his chin on my shoulder. 

"How's your day going?", I ask. 

"Better now that you're here", he replies. He starts pampering my face causing me to giggle. He laughs along with me. 

"Y/N!", Hermione calls out. 

"Draco!", says Parkinson. Footsteps approach causing the two of us to freeze. My sister approaches on one side of the bookshelves and Parkinson comes from the other side. The two freeze staring at us. Basically, if anyone were to pass by, they would see two Gryffindors and two Slytherins. One of the Gryffindors sitting in one of the Slytherin's lap and all four staring at each other like deers caught in headlights. 

"Seriously Draco?! You picked Y/N Granger?!", Parkinson shrieks. 

"Malfoy?! Seriously Y/N?!", Hermione says, "You could do so much better." 

"For once, I agree with Granger", says Parkinson, "To be clear, I mean Hermione. You could seriously do way better Y/N." 

"Thank you Parkinson!", Hermione exclaims. Draco's shoulders drop slightly as I glare at both girls. 

"Shut up!", I snap, "Draco's great!"

----Mini Time Skip----

"Hey bub", I say, sitting down next to him on the tree. 

"Hey darling", Draco says, smiling as I press a small kiss to his lips. He wraps an arm around me as I lean against him, opening up my potions book. I pull out a muggle pen and highlighter to start fixing up the potion recipes, which all surprisingly had something wrong. Draco starts playing with my hair. He was attempting (and failing) to braid my hair. 

"Y/N!" We both look up to find Harry and Ron running towards us. 

"Up here!", I call out before Draco can stop me. Harry and Ron stop at the bottom of the trunk and look up at us. I wave cheerfully causing Draco to wave shyly. 

"What are you doing with Malfoy?", asks Harry. 

"Why is his arm around you and why is he playing with your hair?", Ron adds. 

"He's my boyfriend!", I reply, tucking the pen and highlighter into Draco's robe pocket. Harry and Ron look between us dumbfounded. 


"You heard me!"


"There's no need to yell!"

"Y/N! He's not good enough for you!", Harry says. 

"He doesn't deserve you!", adds Ron.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Draco's shoulders drop as he looks down at his hands in his lap. I reach over and place my hand over his. 

"Shut up!", I snap, "You don't know anything about him!" I give Draco's hand a squeeze as I glare down at Harry and Ron. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Draco's POV

"There you are, Dray." I hurriedly try to wipe my eyes as I turn around to find Y/N in my Quidditch sweater and shorts. Her hair in a messy bun as her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. I really don't deserve her. 

"Dray?", she says, walking towards me. 

"I'm sorry", I mumble. 

"Draco, love, what's wrong?", Y/N asks.

"They're all right, you know?", I say, "Pansy, Potter, Weasley, and your sister. I'm not good enough for you." 


"I DON'T DESERVE YOU!!", I shout. Y/N places a hand on my cheek and turns my face towards her. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of my tears.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, don't you dare say that!", she says, kissing away a stray tear. 

"I'm not good for you, Y/N", I mumble. The tears start falling before I can stop them. Y/N leads me over to a chair. I laugh through my tears as she stands on it and cradles my head against her chest.

"Draco, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me!", says Y/N, "To hell with what anyone else thinks!" I give her a small smile as she kisses my forehead. Once my tears ran dry, the two of us sat at the ledge of the Astronomy tower. We sit in silence for a few minutes before Y/N bursts out laughing. 

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"Who knew the Slytherin Prince has insecurities!"

"Shut up! I'm human too!"

"I know!"

"You're lucky I love you", I say, "Or else I would have pushed you off this tower." I pout and cross my arms. Y/N giggles and wraps her arms around my waist. Resting her chin on my arm, she pokes one of my checks. 

"I love you too, my Slytherin Prince."

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