She's A Weasley! (Weasleys x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: You are Y/N L/N-Weasley. Your family was killed by Voldemort when you were only one, making you an orphan with no place to go, that was until Mr. And Mrs. Weasley adopted you when you were 12. You are Ron's age. This happens at the end of your third year and the summer before your fourth. 


"I don't understand?", I say. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley smile at me and Mr. Weasley starts the timer on the camera. Ginny scoots and lets him sit down next to me.

"Well, Y/N, I think you might want to open this", Mr. Weasley says, handing me an envelope. I take it and rip it open. I gasp and I feel tears forming.

"Y/N L/N-Weasley", I say, "You want to adopt me?" Mr. and Mrs. Wealsey smile at me and nod.

"Only if you want us to!", replies Mrs. Weasley. I sniff as tears fall out of my eyes. I wipe my tears with my sweater and smile.

"Of course I want you to!", I say. The twins, Ginny, Ron, and Percy all give me the biggest smiles I have ever seen on their faces.

"Well, that settles it!", Mr. Weasley says, "You are Y/N L/N-Weasley." He and Mrs. Weasley pull me into the biggest hug I have ever received. I smile and laugh through my tears.

"She's a Weasley!", the twins, Ginny, Ron, and Percy all shout as they join the hug. The timer goes off and the camera snaps, capturing this moment forever.

Y/N's POV 

"Seriously?", I say as I finish packing my trunk. 

"Yeah, you're finally going to meet them", Ginny says, closing her own trunk. 

"Who's she going to finally meet?", Hermione asks as she steps out of the bathroom.

"Bill and Charlie", Ginny replies, helping me lower my trunk onto the floor.  

"How do you feel about that, Y/N?"

"I'm excited but nervous", I reply, "I mean what if they don't like me?"

"That's understandable",  Hermione says, "But don't forget that they're your brothers." I nod and the three of us start the long struggle of taking our trunks downstairs. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"Mum!", I yell as the twins, Percy, Ron, Ginny, and I walk into the house.

"Hello Y/N, dear", she says, wrapping me up in her arms. She breaks the hug and I notice two red-haired men. 

"Hello there", says the one on the left. Fred and George appear on either side of me. 

"H-Hi", I mumble. Just like the day I met our mother, I nervously cling to Fred's arm. Both men smile at me gently, though, they look slightly nervous too. 

"Hey, Bill! Charlie!", George greets. 

"Hey George", replies the one on the right, "Fred." Fred and George look from me to the men. 

"Y/N, these are our older brothers Bill and Charlie Weasley", says Fred, pointing to the respective brother, "Bill and Charlie, this is Y/N L/N-Weasley, our adoptive sister." He shoves me closer to the pair who in turn stand up. The three of us stare at each other awkwardly before any of us make a move. Charlie hesitantly reaches for me but drops his arm at his side. I take a breath before taking a step closer to them. Bill seems to have enough of the awkwardness and grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. I stiffen slightly but relax in his arms. As I wrap my arms around Bill, Charlie joins the hug. 

"Welcome to the family, Y/N", Bill mutters. Charlie pokes me in the ribs causing me to laugh. Pretty soon, the three of us are on the couch, joking around as if we've been siblings our entire lives. 

"No way!", Charlie says. 

"It's true! Y/N snatched my bat and hit the bludger so hard that it hit Malfoy right in the face!", says George. 

"He was running around and he was holding a bloody nose screaming", I add. 

"She's killed me! She's killed me!", Fred screams, causing everyone else to laugh. 

"So you're an excellent chaser and a decent beater?", says Charlie. 

"Pretty much." 

"I don't believe it for a second", says Bill. 

"Is that a challenge?", I say. 

"Yes, it is, little sister."

"I can kick your ass any day, Billiam!"

"Alright, let's go!"

"Right now?"

"Yes right now", says Charlie, "Unless you're too chicken." 

"Alright, bet! Let's go!" All of us rush out of the house with brooms in our hands, playing until the sunset. 

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