Harry and Snape?! (Harry x Reader)

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A/N: I know the title is miss leading. Anyways, you are Y/N Snape, obviously Professor Snape's daughter. You are a Slytherin like your father and this takes place in your and Harry's 4th. 


"Believe it or not someone's already asked me!", Hermione snaps at Ron. She gets up and hands her notebook to Dad and comes back. 

"And I said yes!" She grabs her things and rushes off. Draco snickers at the look on Ron's face and I smack him. Ron mumbles something to Harry but my eyes trail to Dad who's behind them. Dad gives me a little smirk before pulling up his sleeves. Here we go again. He grabs Harry and Ron's heads and forces them to look down at their work. Draco laughs and I smack him. Fred and George are still laughing as we walk by so I take a leaf out of Dad's book. I whack them both on the back of the head with my notebook. 

"Ouch Y/N!", Fred says. 

"That hurt", adds George. I giggle innocently and walk over to Dad. He proudly ruffles my hair, taking my notebook. I smirk at Fred and George as I walk past. They give me a playful glare as I grab my stuff. 

"Don't hate me because I'm his favorite", I say, flipping my hair over my shoulder. Draco laughs shaking his head, grabbing his own things.

"You're only his favorite because you're his daughter", he says. I scoff offended as Fred and George appear on either side of us. 

"For once, I agree with Malfoy", Fred says, wrapping an arm around mine and Draco's shoulders while George does the same. 

"Get off Weasley", Draco says, laughing. 

"No! You're our best friend's other best friend!", George says. 

"That means that you're our friend too!", adds Fred. Draco looks at me and I nod. He glances at Fred and George before looking at the ground. 

"Fine, we're friends." 

"Yes!", the twins yell, high-fiving each other over our heads. 

"My father's definitely not going to hear about this", Draco mumbles as I laugh. 

----Mini Time Skip----

George, Draco, and I sit in the courtyard waiting for Fred to come back from the kitchen. Ron, Hermione, and Harry are sitting across from us, a couple of feet away. 

"They're seriously hanging out with Malfoy?!", I hear Ron ask loudly. Draco pauses and George wraps an arm around his shoulder, shaking him in a friendly way. He glares at Ron as Fred approaches us, armed with four milkshakes. 

"Here you are, Miss Snape", Fred says jokingly, handing me a chocolate milkshake. 

"Why thank you, Mr. Weasley", I say. Draco and George burst out laughing as Fred mockingly bows in front of me. The four of us joke around as Harry approaches us nervously. He clears his throat causing us to stop laughing. 

"Hello, Harry", I say. 

"C-Can I talk to you?", Harry stutters, "A-Alone?" I nod, handing my milkshake to Draco, and standing up. I follow Harry to the tree on the opposite side of the courtyard. Ron and Hermione had a clear view and so did the twins and Draco. 

"Would you go to the Yule Ball with me?" My eyes widen as Harry conjures a bouquet of beautiful white roses. I smile brightly and take them from him. 

"I'd love to, Harry", I say, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 

----Time Skip----

"You're gonna look great!", Daphne says as she curls my hair. 

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