Me or Victoire (Teddy x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Y/N Nymphadora Potter and you are Victoire's age (15) and Teddy's 17. You are in Hufflepuff with Teddy.


I walk down the corridor trying to find Teddy. 

"Y/N!", a familiar voice says. I turn around and find Victoire. I wait for her to catch up. 

"What's up Vic?", I ask. 

"Have you seen Teddy?", Victoire asks. I take in a small breath. It's no secret to anyone in the family that Victoire likes Teddy but it is a secret that I like him too. 

"Why?", I say. 

"I wanted to ask him if he could tutor me", Victoire replies, "Since he's so good at Defense Against the Dark Arts".  I shake my head. 

"I don't know where Teddy is but I'll let him know you were looking for him", I mumble. Victorie squeals and hugs me. 

"You're the best cousin ever!!", she states before walking off. I sigh and continue my search for Teddy. I decide to go to the Common Room, hoping that he's there. 

----Time Skip: 1 month later----

Teddy's POV

"Teddy!", Victoire says hugging my arm. I hear a low growl and look at Y/N. She was clutching her bag strap tightly. Before I could say anything about it, she huffs and walks ahead of us. 

"Teddy!" I look at Victoire. 

"What's up Vic?", I ask. 

"Wanna go to Hogsmeade with me?", Victoire asks. 

"Yeah sure", I say looking ahead to find Y/N talking to Newt Scamander II. 

"You know I'm asking you on a date, right?", Victoire says. 

"Yeah yeah", I reply half listening. She squeals and squeezes my arm slightly. 

"Great! See you tomorrow", she cheers before separating from me and heading to the Ravenclaw table. I make my way over to where Y/N and Newt are talking. 

"Hey Newt", I say sitting down next to Y/N. 

"Hi Teddy", Newt replies. Y/N shifts so she's looking at me.

"What did Victoire want?", Y/N asks. 

"She asked me if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with her", I reply. Y/N's smile quivers slightly. 

"What did you say?", Y/N asks nervously. 

"I said sure", I respond. Y/N looks at me slightly hurt. 

"Teddy, did you forget?", Y/N says, "You promised you would go with me". I feel guilty as I watch Y/N hurting. 

"I'm sorry N/N", I say, "I forgot". Y/N sighs and turns to Newt. 

"Do you have plans?", Y/N asks Newt. Newt smiles and shakes his head.

"No", Newt says, "Why?" 

"Do you wanna hang out with me?", Y/N asks. Newt smiles and nods. 

"Sure". I feel my heart ache as Y/N smiles at Newt. 

----Mini Time Skip----


"Y/N, can I dress you up for your date with Newt?", Victoire asks. 

"It's not a date", I say, "But okay". Victoire squeals and grabs my arm pulling me along. She answers the riddle and pulls me to her dorm room. She immediately runs to her closet. I sigh and make my way to her bed. I sit down before dropping back. I stare at the top of the canopy listening to the rustling of clothes. 

"I found it!", Victoire squeals. I look up and find her holding up a black shirt and mustard-colored corduroy skirt and heels:

 I look up and find her holding up a black shirt and mustard-colored corduroy skirt and heels:

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"Oh hell no!", I say. 

"What's wrong with this?", Victoire asks looking at me confused

"No heels", I clarify. 

"Come on Y/N", Victoire whines, "The heels are cute".  I sigh and shake my head. 

"No Vic". 

"Come on Y/N! Don't you want him to notice you?" I freeze. I know Victoire meant Newt but maybe just maybe if I dress a little bit like Vic, Teddy would notice me. 

"Fine", I say. Victoire squeals and begins doing my make-up.

----Mini Time Skip----

"Why are you dressed like that?", Newt asks as we walk to the Three Broomsticks. I sigh and he takes my hand in his. 

"I thought maybe if I dressed like Victoire, Teddy would notice me", I whisper looking down. Newt stops causing me to stop too. Newt tilts my chin up forcing me to look at him. 

"You don't have to change to get him to notice you", Newt says gently, "You're perfect the way you are. Y/N, you're beautiful, and if Teddy can't see that it's his loss". I give Newt a small smile. Without thinking, I lean up and press my lips against his. I pull away blushing. 

"I-I'm so sorry Newt", I stamper, "I shouldn't have done that. I don't want to lead you on". Newt smiles blushing slightly. 

"Don't worry about it", Newt says, "I'll be here for you". 

"Thanks Newt".

----Mini Time Skip----

Teddy's POV

"You kissed him?!", I scream. Y/N looks at me stunned and the whole Common Room was staring at us. 

"There's nothing wrong with me kissing Newt, Teddy!", Y/N yells snapping out of her shock. 

"Yes, there is! You don't even like him that way!", I yell. Y/N freezes for a split second before glaring at me.

"How would you know that?!"

"I've seen the way you look at me". 

"You are so cruel Teddy!", Y/N snaps, "So what if I like you? You don't like me, you just get my hopes up". 

"What are you talking about?", I ask. 

"All I have to say to you, Edward Remus Lupin is me or Victoire". Without looking back, she walks to the Girls' dorms. 

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