Temporary Tattoos(Draco x Potter Siblings)

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A/N: In this one, you have shifted into the Harry Potter world. You scripted that you are Harry's twin sister and a Slytherin. You also scripted that phones, laptops, and other modern things (such as Netflix) work and that you have a dormroom for yourself. This happens in your 6th year. Disclaimer: This might be awful. 


"Harry!", I yell, running down the hall after Harry and Hermione. He stops and turns around. His face lights up when he sees me. 

"Hey sis", Harry says smiling, "What's up?" 

"Come on! It's twin time", I say, "No buts!" Harry rolls his eyes but agrees. He waves bye to Hermione and lets me drag him to down to dungeons. I cover Harry's ears and say the Slytherin password (Serpentard ). The two of us race up the stairs to my room. 

"Alright, what are we doing?", Harry asks, plopping down face first onto my bed. 

"I've got the popcorn ready and my laptop's charged", I say. "The mini fridge is restocked and I've got fake tattoos." I hold up a pack of temporary tattoos. Harry smiles and the two of us throw pillows and blankets onto the floor. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"I want the lion!", Harry yells, ripping the tattoo out of my hands. 

"Of course you do", I huff, dampening a paper towel. I throw it at him as he laughs. I take off the paper cover of my heart tattoo. 

"I don't really like mine", I think aloud. I take a paper towel with baby oil on it and rub it off. 

"Yours comes off?" Harry and I look up to find Draco looking at me slightly hopeful. 


"Can you take mine off?", Draco asks, a small hopeful smile on his face. He pushes up his sleeve to reveal his dark mark. 

"Oh...umm...it's fake, Draco", I say. I hold up the sheet of temporary tattoos as his smile completely fades away. 

"Oh." Harry and I look at each other before looking back at Draco with pity.

"But we could always cover it up with foundation", Harry offers quickly, "Right, Y/N?"

"Right!", I say, "Do you want me to cover it up for you, Dray?" Draco nods vigorously and I smile. I get up and let him take my spot. I grab my make-up bag. Pulling out a beauty blender and bottle of foundation, I sit cross-legged in front of Draco. I grab his wrist to keep him from moving and start applying the foundation. 

"There! All gone!"  

"Now, yours is temporary like ours", says Harry, nudging him lightly. Draco looks at his arm as a small smile makes its way onto his face. 

"Thank you", Draco says, "Both of you." The three of us smile at each other before I turn back to my laptop. 

"Do you want to join us, Dray?", I ask. 

"Yes please."

"Okay, so we're debating between Enola Holmes and the Umbrella Academy."

"The Umbrella Academy", Draco says immediately, "Five's hot and Klaus is the best."

"Exactly! I told you!", I say, turning to Harry. Harry sticks his tongue out at me. The three of us laugh before I click on the show.  

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