How To Not Be A Black (Marauders x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: Part 1 of this one-shot is in book 1. You are Y/N Black, Sirius's little sister. You are a Gryffindor.


"I just waved to the other first years and well they ran away", I explained. James sighed reaching out towards my cheek. He wiped a tear off my face.

"Maybe you should try to be just Y/N", James said.

"I am just being Y/N", I muttered, "It's just that I'm Y/N Black".

"Well, after classes today, the others and I will teach you how to not be a Black", James declared.

"James", I said tugging on his sleeve.


"Sirius is a Black".

"Hush child".

Sirius's POV

"Alright Y/N", James says, "Day 1 of your How Not To Be A Black lessons". Y/N looks at me confused. I shrug. 

"What exactly are you planning to do?", I ask sitting down next to my sister. 

"Teach her how to be a 'blood-traitor'", James replies making air quotes. Y/N looks at me. I sigh and nod at James. 

"Trust him", I say. Y/N turns and looks at James. He smiles hopefully. 

"Fine", Y/N says, "Teach me how to be a 'blood-traitor'". James cheers and runs off. He comes back dragging Lily with him. 

"What do you want, Potter?!", Lily snaps. 

"Well Evans, I want you to help teach Y/N here", he gestures towards my sister, "How to not be a Black". Lily looks at Y/N curiously. 

"Hi! I'm Y/N Black!", Y/N says cheerfully. In her eyes, you could see the fear of being feared. Lily smiles at Y/N. 

"Hi Y/N", Lily says, "I'm Lily Evans". 

"You're pretty", Y/N says. Lily hugs her. 

"Awww, you're so cute", Lily grins, "Are you sure you're related to Sirius?"

"I'm right here", I scoff. Lily rolls her eyes and smiles at Y/N. 

"So, why are these idiots teaching you how not to be a Black?", Lily asks. Y/N sighs and looks down at her shoes. 

"The other Gryffindor 1st years are scared of me", Y/N mumbles. Lily looks at us shocked. 

'Really?', she mouths. James, Remus, and I nod sadly. Lily hugs Y/N. 

"Now Y/N for your first lesson, we're gonna go over what to do when you find out someone is a muggle-born", James says. Lily's eyes widen briefly before she glares at James. 

"Now Y/N, Lily's your friend", I say, "but you find out she's muggle-born".

"What do you do?", Remus adds on. James pulls out a blackboard. He writes down answers: 

A. Call her a mudblood

B. Tell her you can't be friends

C. Don't care

"C?", Y/N says nervously. 

"Your answer is...CORRECT!!!", James yells. Y/N beams. 

"One step closer to not being a Black", I say ruffling her hair. 

"Alright!", Y/N cheers. Y/N and I stop cheering once we look at Lily. She has a small smile and she looking fondly at James. 

"Jily?", Y/N whispers. I nod. 


"What's up, Y/N?"

"Can we be friends?"

"Of course", Lily says smiling at Y/N. 

"But she's muggle-born", I say wanting to see Y/N's reaction. 

"It doesn't matter. I'm a blood-traitor now", Y/N says with a grin. 

"That's my sister!". 

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