Supposed To Be (Harry x Reader)

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A/N: For the sake of this one-shot, Fred lives! You are Y/N L/N, a former Gryffindor and the same age as Harry (You are apart of the Golden Four). You and Harry dated 3 years (3rd-5th) while you and Fred dated from your 6th year to the present time. 


"You seriously haven't told them?", I ask, as Fred and I approach the Burrow. 

"No, I figured we should tell them together", replies Fred. I smile as he gives my hand a squeeze. The two of us walk up to the Burrow's door and Fred throws it open. 

"Sup bitches!", Fred and I yell. Luckily for us, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley weren't in the room. Ginny, Bill, and George shout a hey while Fleur waves, and Hermione looks up from a book. 

"I thought you guys were trapped at the shop", Hermione says, giving George a nasty look. 

"I already said I didn't break the lock on purpose!", says George. Fred playfully slaps George as Harry and Ron walk into the living room. 

"Hey Y/N", Ron greets, "Hey Fred!" I wave at Ron as Fred wraps his arm around my shoulder. 

"Hey Ron", says Fred, "Hello Harry." Harry gives a sad little wave as Fred leads me to the couch. He sits down in between George and Hermione and pulls me down onto his lap. I sigh contently as Fred buries his face in the crook of my neck. 

"Oh Y/N dear, so nice to see you", Mrs. Weasley greets as she and Mr. Weasley join us. 

"Thank you for acknowledging me, Mum", Fred grumbles. Mrs. Weasley rolls her eyes and swats at the back of Fred's head. The rest of us burst out laughing. 

"Hello Mrs. Weasley", I say, in between laughs. Mrs. Weasley smiles at me warmly before shoving Ron off the couch across from us. Mr. Weasley sits down next to her as they both look at me and Fred. 

"What is it you had to tell us?", he asks. Fred looks at me as we both smile at everyone. 

"We're getting married", we say together. I cover my ears as Ginny, Fleur, Mrs. Weasley, and Hermione squeal. Ron and Bill cheer loudly as George hugs me and Mr. Weasley claps Fred on the back loudly. Harry stays quiet in his seat as Mrs. Weasley pulls both me and Fred into a bone-crushing hug. 

"I'm so glad that you're going be the one Freddie marries!", says Mrs. Weasley, "I'm happy to know someone will keep him on a tight leash!"

"Hey!", Fred snaps as I laugh. 

----Mini Time Skip----

I sigh as I slip out from under Fred's arm. I quietly sneak out of the room so I don't wake him or George up. I make my way down the stairs as quietly as I can and into the kitchen. I look through the shelves as the milk warms up on the stove. 

"Hey." I jump slightly and spin around. Harry stares at me as he fights back a laugh. 

"Harry! You scared me!", I snap. 

"Sorry", Harry chuckles quietly. I shake my head and turn back to the shelf. I spot the cocoa powder on the top shelf and groan. I jump up as I try to reach it. 

"I got it." Harry reaches over me and grabs it. He hands it to me and I mutter a quiet thank you. I pour the milk into a mug and add two spoons of chocolate powder. I busy myself with stirring it as Harry watches me. 

"Can I help you?", I say, finally looking at Harry. Harry sighs and leans against the counter. 

"I can't believe you're engaged", he mumbles. 

"Me neither", I say, "Especially to Fred." I smile fondly as I take a sip of my drink. It falters slightly as I notice the look on Harry's face. 

"What's wrong?" He sighs and looks at me. 

"It's supposed to be us, Y/N", says Harry.

"No, it's not Harry", I say. 

"Y/N, it's supposed to be us getting married", he says.

"You broke up with me, remember?", I point out.

"I broke up with you because I was protecting you!"

"Protecting me?! Protecting me?! Harry, we could have gotten through it together!" 

"I didn't want to risk it!", Harry snaps, "I didn't think you'd move on!" 

"What?! Was I supposed to wait around for you?!", I ask, "Was I supposed to wait until you decided it was safe?!"


"You're delusional!"

"It's supposed to be Harry and Y/N", claims Harry, "Not Fred and Y/N." 

"No, it's supposed to be Fred and Y/N!!"

"It's always been Harry and Y/N!", he says, "Do you seriously love him, Y/N, or is this you trying to get back at me for leaving you!"

"OF COURSE I FUCKING LOVE HIM!! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE HARRY!!", I yell scoffing, "YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE AND YOU FUCKING BLEW IT!!" I slam my mug down on the counter. Harry looks at me wide-eyed as the mug shatters. The lights turn on and several sets of footsteps rush down the stairs. Fred immediately spots me and rushes over. The rest of the Weasleys and Hermione rush into the kitchen. Their eyes travel from me to Harry to the shattered mug and back. 

"Y/N, I-", Harry starts. 

"Why can't you just be happy for me?", I whisper, as tears fall down my cheek. He reaches out towards me but I turn away. I bury my face into Fred's chest as Fred wraps me up in his arms. 

"Y/N, I'm sorry", Harry whispers, "But I'm still in love with you." I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I clutch Fred's shirt tightly. 

"I want to go back to bed", I mumble. Fred nods and leads me to the stairs. I don't have to look back to know Harry's crying. 

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