She's A Mudblood (Young! Regulus x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of She's A Mudblood. Once again, part 1 is in book 1. I know, I know. I suck at making part twos after I write part ones. Anyways, you are Lily's little sister. You are in Gryffindor and you're a part of the Marauders. 


"So, why can't we be seen together?", I heard Regulus ask Severus.

"This isn't my opinion but she's a mudblood", Severus said, "Pureblooded Slytherins shouldn't be seen with mudbloods".

"But you're seen with Lily", Regulus protested.

"I'm a half-blood", Severus said.

"Well, I don't care", Regulus said, "I like her, mudblood or not". I smile.

"Lucius will ruin us", Severus said, "Besides if we're going to join the Dark Lord, he can't know about her".

"He's not going to", Regulus said stubbornly.

"He is", Severus exclaimed, "And he's gonna kill her".

"Fine", Regulus said, "Only to keep her safe".

What the fuck did I just overhear?!


For the next two weeks, Regulus avoids me at all costs. I sigh watching his retreating back yet again. 

"Is my brother still avoiding you?", Sirius asks. I nod letting out another sigh of defeat. 

"I don't know what's up with him!", I say, "Did I do something wrong?" Sirius sighs and ruffles my hair. 

"You didn't do anything, Bunny", Sirius says, "My brother's just a git." I nod sadly and wrap my arms around myself. 

"It just hurts." Sirius sighs and gives me a hug.

"I don't know what you see in him, but he'll come around." I smile and hug Sirius. 

"Thanks, Siri."

Regulus's POV

I sigh as I sit in between Severus and Narcissa. Severus pats my back which causes Narcissa to give me a questioning look. 

"I avoided Y/N again", I say. Narcissa sighs before pulling me into a hug. 

"Reg, you're doing this to protect her", she says, "Don't forget that." 

"But I love her", I say, "And it hurts that I have to avoid her." 

"I know, I know", Narcissa soothes, "Don't worry, everything will work out." I nod and look at them both. 

"I just wish I could tell her." Angry footsteps rush towards us and I find myself being slammed against the wall behind us. 

"What's your deal?!", Sirius yells. 

"Get off me!", I yell back, struggling against his grip. 

"Not until you answer my fucking question!", he snaps, shoving me harder against the wall, "What's your fucking deal?!"

"What are you talking about?!", I ask. 

"Why are you avoiding Y/N?!" I freeze and look at Narcissa and Severus. Narcissa has her hand covering her mouth while Severus just stands there awkwardly. 

"I can't tell you!", I snap, looking back at my brother. His grip on my robes tighten. 

"Listen to me, Regulus, she's been crying  a lot since you started avoiding her", Sirius says, "Now either you tell what your deal is or I will punch you for each tear you made her shed!" 

"I'm avoiding her to keep her safe." His grip loosens slightly as he stares at me wide-eyed. 


"Mum and Dad are forcing me to become a Death Eater", I whisper. Sirius freezes and our eyes meet.


"You seriously think I want to avoid the girl I love?" Sirius sighs and lets me go. He plops down on the bench where Severus, Narcissa, and I were sitting. 

"Why don't you tell her?", Sirius asks softly. I sigh and sit down next to him. 

"Because she's a mudblood", I whisper. Sirius glances at me before looking away. 

"What's wrong with that? Mum and Dad will disown you?"

"Worse, the Dark Lord will kill her."

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