Smoking Kills (Wolfstar x Daughter! Reader)

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A/N: Someone give me an idea for a Christmas one-shot, please! Anyways, some of the lines in this one-shot are from hey little girl (live) by sophiemarie.b which will be used later on as a song  Y/N writes. Now, you are Y/N Lupin-Black, Sirius and Remus's daughter. This happens the summer before your 5th year. Just to avoid confusion, Sirius is Dad and Remus is Papa. 

"Hey love!", I yell, wrapping my arms around Harry from behind. He doesn't respond and continues staring at Ron. I scrunch my brows together and sit down next to him confused. Hermione gives me a confused and worried look as she sits down next to Ron. Ron gives me a sympathetic look which furthers my confusion. 

"Y/N, we need to talk", Harry says slowly. 

"O-Okay, do you want to go somewhere private?", I ask. He looks at Ron who gives him an encouraging look. 

"I want to break up", Harry says, getting straight to the point.  Hermione gasps and I freeze. 


"I'm sorry Y/N, I really am", he says, "but I don't feel the same way about you anymore."

"Y/N", Hermione says, reaching for my hand. I draw it back and stand up, fighting back tears. 

"Okay, if that's what you want." 


"It's okay, I understand", I say quickly, "I knew you were going to leave me. Everyone does." I turn around and run off, shoving past Fred and George. 

I open my eyes, shaking the memory off, and hastily wipe off my tears. It's been three months since Harry broke up with me and yet I can't piece myself back together. 

"Hey Y/N, do you have any laundry?", Dad asks, opening the door. He freezes as I hurriedly wipe off the fresh tears. 

"No Dad, Papa already came up here and got it", I say. Dad places the basket down on the ground and walks over to me. 

"You okay, Mini Moony?", asks Dad, sitting down on my bed. He places a hand over my foot and looks at me concerned. 

"Yeah, Dad I'm fine", I say. He gives me a disbelieving look. 

"Are things okay with Harry?"

"Yeah, it's great. I just miss Hermione." Dad looks at me suspiciously before standing up. 

"She'll be here any minute so don't fret." I nod and he leaves. I sigh and flip open my Potions book. Even after three months, I still can't bring myself to tell him that his godson broke his daughter's heart. 

----Time Skip----

I sit on the edge of the roof and watch the muggle pass by. I reach into my pocket and pull out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes I snatched from Dad and Papa's room. I open the pack and pull out one of the cigarettes. I shove the pack back into my pocket and light the cig. I stick it in my mouth and take a long breath. I blow out smoke and watch as the muggles disappear into their houses. In the distance, I hear rustling. I smile as I blow out some more smoke. Harry and his guard are quickly approaching. I let out a laugh as Mad-Eye shoves a piece of paper at what looked like thin air. 


"What's the Order of the-?" 

"Not here, boy!", Mad-Eye snarls, "Wait till we're inside!" I stifle a laugh, swinging my legs. I take another drag of the cigarette as Papa looks up. I freeze, knowing he can smell and hear me. 


"But where's -?"

"Think about what you've just memorized", Papa says, quietly and fiercely. Tonks nudges him and Papa whispers something into her ear. He turns his gaze back to where I am and Tonks follows his gaze.  Even though they can't see me, they know I'm here. For a minute, there's silence. I blow out smoke as Harry gapes at the building. 

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