You're Potter's Twin?! (Draco x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: Yay! It's time to go back to Hogwarts! You are Y/N Lily Lupin (Potter). You are Harry's twin sister but nobody knows except Remus and Dumbledore of course. You are in Slytherin. Part 1 is in book 1.


"You two should sit down for this", Dad said patting the seats on either side of him. Harry and I looked at each other before sitting down.

"Why are you acting like what you're about to tell us is a life-changing thing?", Harry asked.

"Because it is", Dad said. He looked at me and then looked at Harry.

"Y/N, you know I'm not your father".

"Yeah I know", I replied.

"You and Harry are brother and sister", Dad declared. Harry and I looked at each other stunned.






I shake my head. 

"There's no way Harry and I are siblings!", I say. Harry sits quietly probably still in shock. Dad gets up and squats to look me in the eyes. 

"Y/N, your name is Y/N Lily Potter. You're Harry's younger twin sister", Dad says, "Your parents are Lily and James Potter. I'm your godfather." I look at Harry with tears suddenly filling my eyes. 


"Y/N." Harry holds his arms out towards me. I rush over into his arms. Both of us start crying. 

"Why didn't we both go to the Dursleys?", Harry asks looking at Dad. Dad grimances and I look at him. 

"Dumbledore thought it would be best to sepreate you."

"But why do people think Harry's an only child?"

"Lily and James did a very good job of hiding you", Dad explains, "People think you were born dead." Harry squeezes my shoulder as I look at Dad. 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?", I snap, "I talked about Harry all the time for the past three years!" Dad looks down with a sigh. 

"Dumbledore said you two weren't ready to know." I scowl standing up. Harry and Dad look at me. 

"Dumbledore was being stupid." 


"You kept this from me for years!" Dad frowns. 

""Y/N, I just did what was best for you", Dad says desperately. I glare at him. 

"How would you know that's what's best for me?!"

"Because I do! Y/N, I did it because I love you!"

"You did it because you love me?! You lied to me because you love me!"


"No Dad! You lied to me my entire life!", I yell, " Everything I thought I knew was a lie! How do I know you aren't lying when you say you love me?!" Dad looks down holding back tears and I know I hurt him.  I turn around and start running back up to the castle. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Draco's POV

Y/N bursts through the common room in tears. She rushes past to me but I manage to grab her arm. 

"Let go of me, Draco!", Y/N snaps. Her voice cracks. I tighten my hold. 

"Y/N, what's wrong?", I ask. Y/N shakes her head and tries to pull her arm out of my hold. 

"Draco, I can't", she whimpers. 

"Y/N, it's me. Draco, your best friend", I whisper. Y/N sighs and nods. I pull her up the stairs to my dorm. We sit on my bed and Y/N pulls her knees to her chest. 

"Dad told me and Harry something and I didn't take it very well", Y/N cries, "I hurt the person who's been there for me my entire life." I pull her closer and she buries her face in my shoulder. 

"Professor Lupin knows you didn't mean it", I say quietly trying to comfort her, "Whatever you said to him, he knows you didn't mean it." Y/N shakes her head and continues to cry.

"I'm such a terrible person", Y/N says. 

"Y/N, you are the most amazing person I have ever met!", I say, "You are the nicest and prettiest Slytherin I have ever met! You're my whole world! So don't you dare think you are terrible! So no more tears. Smile for me!" She wipes her eyes and smiles at me. 

"That's my girl." I kiss her forehead and she buries her face in my shoulder. 

"Draco", she mumbles. 

"Yes Love?"

"If I told you, I'm Harry's sister, would you still love me?" 

"Fuck yeah I would! You're my Y/N no matter what." I feel her smile. 



"Dad told me I'm Harry's sister and that's why I freaked out." I freeze for a second before tightening my arms around her. 

"I love you", I say. She tightens her arms around me. 

"I love you too and thanks for not freaking out." I chuckle kissing her head.

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