Fuck Off (Young! James x Reader)

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A/N: You are Lily's twin sister. Same eyes, different hair colors (if yours is different). You are a Gryffindor. 


"Hey Lils", I say sitting down next to her. 

"Hey Y/N", Lily says smiling. 

"Hello Y/N", Severus says looking at me. 

"Sev." Lily glances between the two of us confused. 

"Did something happen between you two?", she asks. I sigh glaring at Severus. 

"That asshole told James Potter that I like him!", I snap. 

"Do you actually like him?", Lily asks. 

"Fuck no!" Lily scans my face before nodding slowly. 

"I still don't see the problem", she says. I groan and Severus laughs.

"Potter keeps trying to snog her", he says causing me to kick him. Lily laughs and pats me my shoulder. 

"It's not the end of the world", Lily says. I glare at her. 

"Easy for you to say. He's not after you." Severus snickers causing both me and Lily to look up. I groan as James and Sirius walk towards us.  

"Hey princess", James says plopping down next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and I shrug it off. 

"How many times do I have to tell you", I snap, "I don't like you so fuck off!" I scowl and stand up. I run off before James can stop me. 

----Mini Time Skip----

James's POV

Sirius and I sit down across from Lily and Y/N. I smile at Y/N and take her hand in mine. 

"If we win today's game, will you go out with me?" Y/N blinks before snatching her hand. 

"How many times have I told you to fuck off?", she asks. 


"What makes you think this time is any different?" I smirk leaning in and tilting her chin up forcing her to look into my eyes. 

"I know you like me, Y/N", I say, "You're just denying it."


I steal the quaffle and rush to the hoops. I dodge a bludger and throw the quaffle. I smile as I hear the sound of the bell. 

30 to 10. Nothing's gonna stop me from getting that date. Not even the Slytherin team. I dodge another bludger and score. I do a victory lap and wave at Y/N. She smiles before her eyes widen. 

"James!" I feel the wind getting knocked out of me and the cracking of my spine before the world goes dark. 


I sit next to James's bedside holding his hand. How I got here? Well, Sirius practically forced me down after he caught me pacing outside the Hospital Wing. The Gryffindor team and Peter surround his bed as Lily rubs my back. 

"He looks like he got attacked", Peter says. 

"He got hit by two bloody bludgers!", Sirius snaps, "How about I hit you with them? What would you look like?"

"Worse than me. That's for sure", a weak voice says. All of us snap our necks in the direction of the voice. James grins and tried to sit up. He grimaces as I stand and help him.  He smiles and takes my hand in his again as I sit back down. 

"Are you okay mate?", Sirius asks. I kick him and he kicks back. 

"Yeah, considering my spine was almost broken in half and my ribs were poking through my chest." I try not to smile at his sarcasticness. We all stay silent for a while. James draw circles on my hand absentmindedly. Lily clears her throat. 

"Well, we have to go for dinner", she says. The Gryffindor team pipes up. 

"Time to rub it into the Slytherin's faces!", Sirius yells. The team cheers and starts to leave. Sirius pats James's shoulder before he, Remus, Peter, and Lily make their way out. I start to get up but James stops me.

"We won."

"I know."

"That means you have to go out with me, love", James says smirking. I roll my eyes before kissing him. 

"Later James," I stand up and making my way towards the doors. 

"Told ya, you liked me!"

"Fuck off!"


"I hate you", I shout over my shoulder. 

"I love you too, my princess", James shouts after me.

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