Terrible Father (Sirius Black x Daughter!Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Y/N Black, Sirius's daughter. Your mother died while giving birth to you so you were raised by Remus. You are a Gryffindor. This happens in Harry's and your 5th year. Y/N's rant is from a Tiktok sound.


"Hello Harry", Dad says grimly, "I see you've met my mother."


"My dear old grandmum", I pipe up, "We've been trying to get her down for a month but we think she put a Permanent Sticking Charm on the back of the canvas."

"Let's get downstairs, quick, before they all wake up again", Dad says. I walk ahead of Harry and Dad after Uncle Moony. I look at my feet. Dad's going to ignore me, just as I knew he would. Uncle Moony seems to realize I'm feeling down because he squeezes my shoulder.

"He hasn't seen Harry in months", Uncle Moony says.

"He hadn't seen me in 12 years and he cared more about Harry", I say looking up at him. Uncle Moony sighs and wraps an arm around my shoulders. We enter the kitchen and I take my seat.

"He loves you, Y/N."

"He loves Harry more." Uncle Moony sighs before moving to help Molly. When Dad and Harry finally walked in, I expected Dad to take his seat next to me, but he takes a seat on the other end of the table with Harry. I sigh as Uncle Moony sits next to me with Bill on my other side. Bill squeezes my arm.

"Y/N, you okay?", he asks.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?", I say bitterly, "I'm used to it. Every time Harry's here, I suddenly don't exist." Bill gives me a sympathetic look as Molly brings the food to the table. I zone out until screams snap me back down to reality.


"We were just trying to save a bit of time!", Fred says, hurrying forward and wrenching the bread knife out of the table, "Sorry Sirius, mate - didn't mean to -" Harry and Dad were both laughing. Mundungus, who had toppled backward off his chair, was swearing as he got to his feet. Crookshanks had given an angry hiss and shot off under the dresser, from whence his large yellow eyes glowed in the darkness.

"Boys", Arthur says, lifting the stew back into the middle of the table, "your mother's right, you're supposed to show a sense of responsibility now you've come of age -"

"- None of your brothers caused this sort of trouble!", Molly snaps at the twins, slamming a fresh flagon of butterbeer onto the table and spilling almost as much again, "Bill didn't feel the need to Apparate every few feet! Charlie didn't Charm everything he met! Percy -" She stops dead, catching her breath with a frightened look at her husband, whose expression was suddenly wooden.

"Let's eat", Bill says quickly.

"It looks wonderful, Molly", says Uncle, ladling stew onto a plate for her and handing it across the table. For a few minutes there was silence but for the chink of plates and cutlery and the scraping of chairs as everyone settled down to their food. I zone out yet again until I hear my name.

"Huh?", I ask looking at Harry.

"I asked how was your summer", Harry repeats. I roll my eyes and look away.

"None of your business", I mumble.

"Y/N, don't be rude to Harry", Dad barks. I scowl standing up. I slam my hands down on the table causing everyone to look at me.

"Stop pretending to be his dad", I snap. Everyone looks at Dad waiting for his reaction.

"I'm his godfather-", Dad starts but I cut him off.

"Exactly! You're just his fucking godfather!", I yell, "You're my dad but whenever Harry's around, you become the worst father ever!"

"Y/N", Tonks mutters.

"You think I'm a bad father?", Dad asks glaring at me.

"Yeah! You're a terrible father!"

"Y/N!", Arthur yells.

"No, let her talk!", Dad growls, "Go ahead Y/N." I look eyes with him and let out what I've been bottling up for the past two years.

"You've been the shittest father ever since you got out of Azkaban!", I yell, "You only ever care about Harry!"

"Y/N, I care about you too", Dad says.

"No, you don't! You haven't been there my entire life!", I say, "And now that you're here, it's always Harry this and Harry that!"

"You don't think I wanted to watch you grow up?" I ignore him and launch into my rant, talking about Dad like he wasn't even there.

"Ain't like I'm still 5 years old, you know? Ain't like Imma be sitting up every night, asking my godfather, when's Daddy coming home? You know? Who needs him? Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to hold up my wand for the first time, but I learned, didn't I? And I got pretty damn good at it too, didn't I, Uncle Moony?"

"Yes, you did", Uncle Moony mumbles.

"Got through my first date without him, right? I learned how to fly, I learned how to get onto the platform, I learned how to fight without him. I had 14 great birthdays without him! He never sent me a damn card! To hell with him!!", I shout with tears welling up in my eyes.

"Y/N...", Hermione and Ginny mumble.

"I didn't need him then and I don't need him now!", I snap looking Dad in the eye.

"Y/N, you don't mean that", Arthur says. I take a deep breath as a single tear falls down my face.

"How come he don't want me, Uncle Moony?", I whisper. Slowly, the tears start falling down my face. Uncle Moony stands up and wraps his arms around me. I bury my face in his sweater.

"But I do want you", Dad says standing up.

"Don't you dare get close to her right now, Sirius", Molly snaps as I start sobbing harder.

"I wish my Uncle Moony was my real father", I sob, "At least he loves me and puts me before Harry." Uncle Moony's grip around me tightens.

"I'm sorry", Dad cries. I pull away from Uncle Moony and look at him. He's crying too.

"Sorry isn't good enough anymore", I say. I look at Uncle Moony before walking out of the room. I hear Dad's sobs even after I'm halfway up the stairs.

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