The Duo of House Black (Wolfstar X Daughter! Reader)

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A/N: Here's another Wolfstar x Daughter! Reader. I hope you guys like these as much as I like writing them. It's also implied that Sirius never went to Azkaban. Anyways, you are Y/N Minerva Lupin-Black, Sirius and Remus' daughter. For explanation, you are biologically their kid as Lily decided to be their surrogate. You're the same age as Harry (Don't ask, I wouldn't be able to explain how that's possible, but it's a one-shot, anything can happen), and just to avoid any confusion, Sirius is Dad and Remus is Papa. 


"Come on Dad", I say, "Please?" Dad sighs and looks at Papa for help. Papa shrugs and turns his attention back to his newspaper. 


"Dad, Draco's not going to be a bother!", I say. 

"I'm not worried about Draco", Dad says, "I'm worried about what Lucius Malfoy is going to say when his only son goes missing for two months." 

"Draco and I already have a plan and Aunt Narcissa is on board with it." Dad sighs as Papa snickers. 

"Fine", says Dad  giving in, "Draco can stay with us for most of the summer." I cheer and throw my arms around him. Papa laughs as Dad rolls his eyes. 

"A good thing you agreed", Papa says, "She already told Narcissa you said he could." 

"We're supposed to meet them in Diagon Alley in 5 minutes." Dad looks at me in disbelief as I smile nervously. 

"Y/N Minerva Lupin-Black!"

"Listen, I knew you would say yes if I annoyed you enough." Dad sighs dramatically and turns his gaze towards Papa. 

"That's your daughter", says Papa without looking up from his paper. Dad sighs again before standing up. The two of us walk out of the house and I link my arm through his. Dad apparates us into the Leaky Cauldron. The two of us enter Diagon Alley and wait for them at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. 

 "Sissy!", Draco yells, tackling me in a hug. I beam and hug him back as the two of us laugh. Aunt Narcissa approaches us as Draco pulls away from our hug. 

"Aunt Narcissa", I greet, throwing my arms around him. 

"Hello dear", Aunt Narcissa says, squeezing me back. I pull away as she hands Draco his shrunken trunk.

"Narcissa", Dad says, nodding curtly. 

"Sirius." The two of them look at each other as a tense air surrounds us.  Draco and I look at each other nervously before Dad sighs again. 

"Look, if our kids are going to have a good and healthy cousin relationship, then we should make an effort to fix ours." Draco and I hold our breaths as Aunt Narcissa and Dad stare at each other for a few seconds.

"I guess you're right", says Aunt Narcissa with a small smile, "Cousins?" She holds out her hand to Dad. 

"Cousins", Dad says as he smiles back and takes her hand. They shake hands before Aunt Narcissa pulls Draco into a hug. 

"Now behave Draco", she says, "And listen to your uncles." 

"Yes Mum", Draco says. The two of us link arms with Dad and wave to her as he apparates away. 

----Time Skip----

Sirius's POV

I sigh as Driver's License plays for the 10th time today. It's muffled slightly by the ceiling. 

"And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one!! And I can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone!"

"Sirius, I thought you told them to keep it down", says Molly. Everyone turns to look at me as Harry looks totally lost. 

"It's just Y/N and Draco messing around and singing. It's really no big deal", I say, "Besides, they only ever listen to Remus."

"Hold on, Draco?", Harry says, "Draco Malfoy's here?!"

"Well yeah, he's been here for a month already", I say. 


"You know how close they are, Harry", Remus says gently, "Besides Draco is a delight to have around."

"A delight?!", Harry repeats in disbelief, "Are we talking about the same Draco?" I sigh and signal for Harry to follow me. We make our way up the stairs and I open the door to Y/N's room. Colored lights shine as a speaker in the corner blasts the song. 

"Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me!!", Y/N and Draco scream at the top of their lungs, "'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street!!"  They collapse in a fit of giggles as I close the door again. Harry looks at me in shock. 

"If you think that's shocking, you should see the tapestry", I say, leading him to another door. I open it as we both step in and straight to the family tree. 

"What's so surprising about this?", Harry asks looking at it. 

"I used to be burned off", I replied, "Draco and Kreacher who surprisingly is quite taken with Y/N fixed it and added Remus and Y/N to it." Harry's jaw drops as laughter fills the room. Draco and Y/N's laughs subside once they notice us. 

"Oh sorry", Y/N apologizes, "We were just looking for our broomsticks." 

"Wanna play Quidditch with us after dinner, Uncle Sirius?", Draco asks, "Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny said they would."

"Of course", I say, beaming, "We're going to destroy those Weasleys!"

"What about you, Potter?", says Draco, "We need a fourth on our team to make it even." Harry looks at the pair stunned. He snaps out of it as I elbow him. 

"Umm, yeah sure", Harry stammers. Draco and Y/N beam as they grab their broomsticks before leaving the room.

"Told you he was a delight", I say.

"He's like a completely different person", Harry mumbles. 

"That's because Y/N is a good influence on the kid", I say, "They're Y/N and Draco: The Duo of House Black."

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