Sister-Zoned (Charlie x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of Sister-Zoned. This one-shot includes characters from the game Hogwarts Mystery. You are Y/N Scamander, Newt's granddaughter. You're a Hufflepuff. 


"We're not together", we say in sync. Florean sighs disappointed.

"But you two would be so cute together", he says. Charlie laughs and swings his arm around my shoulder.

"We're just best friends", Charlie says, "She's like my sister." I feel my heart shatter. I shrug his arm off and walk out the door.

"Y/N?" I ignore Tonks and walk off. I hear her rushing after me.

"I wanna go home", I say fighting back tears. Tonks nods.

"I'll go find my parents", Tonks says, "And I'll tell Charlie that we're leaving."

"I'll go wait in the Leaky Cauldron", I say. Tonks nods and walks off. I sigh sitting down on the curb with my head in my hands. I can't believe I actually thought I had a chance. 

Charlie's POV

"Hey!", I yell as Bill and I step into the compartment. Y/N and Tonks look up at us. I beam holding my arms out towards Y/N. 

"Wotcher Charlie", Tonks says as Y/N gives me a small smile. She doesn't move to hug me. I awkwardly put my arms down and take a seat across from her and Tonks. Bill glances between me and Y/N before sitting down next to me. 

"So, what happened back in Diagon Alley?", I ask looking at Y/N. She looks up at me briefly before looking out the window. 

"What do you mean?", she mumbles. 

"You kinda just disappeared on me. Did I do something?" Y/N hesitates and looks at Tonks. Tonks shrugs and Y/N sighs. 

"It's nothing, Charlie. Don't worry about it." I look at her in disbelief. 

"Y/N, if I did something to upset you, tell me what I did so I can fix it", I say. It sounded more desperate than I intended. 

"I'm going to go find Penny", Y/N says standing up. She walks out of the compartment without looking at me. 

"What was that about, Tonks?", Bill asks. Tonks glances at me before looking at Bill. 

"Code Crimson", Tonks mutters before looking out the window. Bill nods and reaches into his bag for a book. 

"What's a code crimson?", I blink. 

"Don't worry about it Charlie", Bill says. 

----Mini Time Skip----


"Don't look now but Charlie's coming this way", Penny mumbles as Tonks and I sit down in front of her. I tense as I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around to come face to face with Charlie. 

"Can I talk to you?", Charlie asks. I look at him for a few seconds before nodding. He takes my hand in his and pulls me up. I look back at Tonks and Penny who both give me a thumbs up. I sigh and watch Charlie as he drags me out of the library and into a broom closet. 

"What's up?", I ask trying not to panic as he locks the door. Charlie turns around and glares at me. 

"Don't what's up me!", he snaps, "Why have you been avoiding me?!" He really went straight to the point. Whatever. 

"Charlie, it's not important", I say avoiding his eyes.

"Don't give me that bullshit!!", Charlie yells, "If it really wasn't important, you would be able to look me in the eyes!!" I take a few steps away from Charlie. My back presses against the wall. 

"I said it doesn't matter!!", I yell back. I don't get why I'm yelling. It's just going to piss him off. 

"Bullshit!! You've been avoiding me since that day in Diagon Alley!!", Charlie shouts slamming his hands on the wall on either side of my head. His face was now so close to mine, that I could probably count his freckles. Don't get distracted Y/N! 

"It's not my fault you never notice anything!!", I yell at him, "You're the one who's so goddamn dense!!"

"I'm the dense one!!", Charlie barks, "You're the one who won't notice my hints!!"

"What about my hints?!", I snap back, pushing off the wall, getting closer to his face. 

"You're so damn difficult!!", We shout at each other in sync, "Why can't you just realize that I'm in love with you?!!" We gasp and look at each other wide-eyed. Charlie's hands slip down onto my shoulders. We gape at each other.

"You are?", We say in sync. We look at each other and nod. Charlie leans down and presses his lips to mine. I gasp as he pushes me back against the wall. He takes advantage of my shock and slides his tongue into into my mouth. I pull away and we're both panting. 

"Wow", we both whisper. I giggle as Charlie rests his head on my shoulder. 

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that", Charlie whispers. I shiver as he places a kiss on my shoulder. 

"I should go back to the library", I say, "I don't want Penny and Tonks to worry." Charlie smirks and he leans down. 

"Let them worry. I've got to punish you", Charlie whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. 

"Punish me for what?", I squeak. 

"Ignoring me." He kisses my ear before attacking my neck. 


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