Bear Murder (Tom Riddle x Reader)

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A/N: I would like to point out that Tom Riddle will sorta be out of character and that for the sake of this one-shot, the Marauders' era and Tom Riddle's era are the same. I would really like to emphasize the fact that I said for the sake of this one-shot the Marauders' era and Tom Riddle's era are the same because people are always telling me that they aren't the same and I know that (I just like writing them as the same era). Anyways, you are Y/N L/N and a Slytherin. Lily and Narcissa are your best friends. I apologize in advance for how terrible this is. 


"Y/N!!", Lily and Narcissa yell, running up to me. I close my book as they sit down on either side of me. I glance at them both of them as they look at me in excitement. 

"Is it true?!", demands Narcissa, fussing with the sleeve of my robe. 

"Is what true?", I ask, shoving my book into my bag. 

"Did Tom actually ask you out?!", says Lily. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. I told him not to tell anyone!

"Yeah, he did", I mumble. The girls squeal causing me to cover my ears. I cringe as they start fangirling together. 

"How? When? Where?", Narcissa asks. 

"Last week, Dumbledore's class, and he just flat out asked", I say. 

"What did you say?!", Lily asks eagerly. 

"I said yes", I mutter, blushing lightly. They squeal again causing James and Sirius to walk over curiously. 

"What's going on here?", Sirius asks with great interest. He shoves Narcissa lightly to the side and plops down. James follows his lead and shoves Lily. 

"Tom asked Y/N out and she said yes", says Narcissa, glaring at Sirius. 

"Fuck!", James shouts, reaching over me to hand Sirius 5 galleons. 

"Thank you", says Sirius triumphantly. 

----Time Skip: 5 months later----

Tom's POV

"Hey darling, I-", I trail off as I find Y/N cuddling someone. Is she cheating on me? I storm over to the bed and rip the blanket off of her. My eyes widen when I find her giant stuffed bear Billy Bear instead of a guy next to her. I feel very stupid but still very jealous. I rip the bear out of her arms and throw it on the floor. 

"Diffindo!" I hear rustling behind me and I know Y/N's stirring. 

"Tommy, what are you doing?", questions Y/N.

"Nothing, love", I say. 

"Where's Billy Bear?", Y/N asks. 

"I-" She peeks over my shoulder and sees her beloved bear in shreds. 


"Y/N, I swear I-", I start. 

"YOU SWEAR WHAT TOM?!", she shrieks, "YOU JUST FUCKING KILLED BILLY BEAR!!" Y/N starts crying and I feel the guilt rising up. 

"Darling", I say, sitting down next to her, "I'll buy you another one." I pull her onto my lap and Y/N sobs into my chest. 

"You will?" She looks up at me with tear-filled eyes. 

"Of course I will", I mumble. Y/N wipes her eyes as I tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She glances back at the shreds that were once her beloved bear. 

"Why'd you kill Billy anyway?", Y/N asks. I gulp and nervously rub the back of my neck. Y/N shifts slightly causing me to stiffen. 

"I-I thought he was a boy and got jealous", I admit quietly. Y/N gasps dramatically. 

"Tom Riddle, soon to be the greatest wizard in the world, was jealous over a teddy bear!" I blush as she laughs. 

"S-Shut up!", I stutter, "I forgot you had that stupid thing!"

"He wasn't stupid!", Y/N snaps. 

"You're such a child sometimes", I chuckle as I lean down to kiss her. She places a finger on my lips causing me to open my eyes. 

"You're crazy if you think I'm kissing a bear murder!"

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