Babysitting Harry (Regulus x Reader)

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A/N: For the sake of this one-shot, Lily, James, and Regulus lived and Sirius didn't go to Azkaban. Wolfstar is included, and you are dating Regulus. You are also James' younger sister. Also, Harry is smart. He is Lily's son after all. 


"Don't worry about a thing, Jily," I say. "Reg and I got this." I smile at Regulus as he bursts out laughing. James snorts as Lily rolls her eyes.

"When are you going to stop calling us that?" she asks. Regulus smiles as I pretend to think of an answer for her. 

"Never," I say. Lily groans as James and Regulus laugh. Regulus wraps an arm around my shoulders as James and Lily take their leave. I step away from Regulus and shut the door behind them. I turn around and smile at Regulus. 

"Alright, we don't got this." Regulus snorts. 

"I could have told you that," he says. I swat his arm as Regulus laughs. He grabs hold of my hand before pulling me towards him. He kisses my forehead gently, his lips traveling down to mine. He pecks me on the lips. I grab hold of his face and bring his lips back to mine when he moves to pull away. 

"Auntie Y/N? Uncle Reggie?" a little voice says. I pull away from Reg to find Harry staring up at us. 

"What is it, Hazza?" I ask, squatting down in front of him. He looks from me to Regulus before pointing to the kitchen. 

"I'm hungry," he says. I glance at Regulus. Regulus and I have never babysat Harry in his entire four years of life. And yet here we are. Babysitting my brother's son without the slightest clue of what we're doing. 

"Umm...would you like some Firewhiskey?" I ask. Regulus smacks the back of my head. 

"Y/N! He's four!" Regulus reminds me. I rub the back of my head, glaring slightly at Reg. 

"Well, I don't know what I'm supposed to feed him, " I say. "Or do with him for that matter." Regulus rolls his eyes before pulling me up. 

"How about we go to McDonald's?" says Regulus, looking down at Harry. Harry beams and starts cheering.

----Mini Time Skip----

"Alright Harry, what do you want?" I ask. When he doesn't reply, I turn around to find he's not there. I reach in front of me and pull the back of Regulus' trench coat. 

"Hmm?" he hums, turning around to face me. 

"Regulus, where's Harry?" I ask.

"I thought you got him out of his car seat." 

"Me?! Reg! You said you were going to get him." Reg's face becomes paler than usual as we both rush back towards the car. We both smash our faces against the window, and sure enough, Harry's sitting in the car still buckled into his car seat. 

"Harry!" Regulus and I say in sync. Harry looks up at us and waves. 

"Regulus, give me the keys so I can get him out," I say, thrusting my hand out in front of him. "Regulus?" I look at him as he shifts his weight from foot to foot. His eyes are fixed on the tire as if he's avoiding mine. 

"About that," he says. "I put them in the bag." He points to the bag next to Harry. My eyes widen in horror. 

"Regulus Arcturus Black! I told you not to put the keys in the bag!"

"I'm sorry, love! I didn't think we'd leave the boy in the car!" I crumple to the ground, my head between my legs. 

"Oh, Merlin, I can't believe we locked my brother's son in the car!" I whine. "Oh, Merlin, Lily and Remus will never let us hear the end of it! Sirius and James will never let us live it down! Oh, Merlin, Reg, people go to jail for this!" Upon hearing Lily and James' names and jail, realization hits Regulus like a fucking bus. 

"THAT'S IT! I'M BREAKING THE WINDOW!" He runs off. I don't ponder on what he said as I pull out my phone. My hands shake as I dial Molly's number. 

"M-Molly?" I stutter out as soon as she answers. 

"What's wrong Y/N, dear?" Molly says, hearing the shakiness of my voice. 

"Regulus and I are babysitting Harry, and we accidentally locked him in the car." 

"I SWEAR TO MERLIN I'M GONNA BREAK THE FUCKING WINDOW!" Regulus yells, running back with a gigantic rock. I wonder where he got that. 

"Don't! You'll get glass on him!" 

"Y/N, dear, please try to calm down," Molly says. "Everything's going to be okay."

"That was Regulus," I say into the phone. 



"Y/N, do you have your wand?" Molly asks. 

"Of course I do!" I say. "Molly, what kind of question is that?"

"Use your wand, dear, you are a witch after all." I slap my hand to my forehead. Why didn't I think of that?

"Thanks, Molly." I hang up and turn back to the car and Regulus. I get up and pull out my wand. Pushing up my sleeves, I mutter Alohomora.

"Check the door, Reg!" I shriek. Regulus listens and pulls the handle. The door opens and Harry looks at the two of us in disbelief. 

"You two are idiots," Harry says. "Now, if you two are done fooling around, can I get my Happy Meal?" Regulus and I look at each other before turning to Harry. 

"Come here, you!" Regulus says, reaching in to tickle Harry. 
















"We're home!" Lily says as she, James, Sirius, and Remus walk in. 

"Hey!" Harry, Reg, and I chorus, not taking our eyes off the TV.

"What did you three get into today?" Remus asks, settling down in the armchair closest to Regulus. Sirius immediately rushes over to him and plops dramatically onto Remus' lap. Lily and James settle into the armchair closest to me. They all look at us expectantly. Regulus and I hold our breaths, glancing at each other as Harry rubs his chin thoughtfully. 

"Auntie Y/N and Uncle Regulus took me to McDonald's and then we went to get ice cream," Harry says, causing me and Regulus to let out the breath we were holding. Lily smiles. 

"I have to admit, you two did better than I thought you would." Regulus and I smile and nod. When the two married couples get up and go to the kitchen, Harry signals for me and Regulus to come closer. Regulus and I look at each other before huddling with Harry. 

"You two better buy me Chocolate Frogs or else I'm telling Mum and Dad what happened." Regulus and I gulp before nodding. Harry smiles satisfied before look back at the TV. 

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