Sirius (Remus x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Black, Sirius's twin sister, and Harry's godmother. This one is gonna be in 3rd person. 

"Y/N!", Harry exclaims as Y/N walks into the Burrow. 

"Hey bud!", she says. He rushes over to her and hugs her. Y.N hugs him back, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"How you holding up, Y/N?", Ron asks as he takes his turn hugging the young women. Y/N sighs and forces a smile on her face for Harry's sake. 

"I'm holding up okay", she replies, "I mean Sirius wouldn't want me to cry." Ron nods as Hermione throws herself at Y/N. Molly and Arthur walk into the room, having heard the commotion. 

"Hello Y/N", Molly greets. Y/N smiles at her weakly as Ginny takes her turn hugging Y/N. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss", says Arthur, "Sirius was a great man." Hearing those words, those bloody words confirmed Sirius was dead in her mind and it broke Y/N. She bursts into tears and collapsed onto her knees. She buries her face in her arms and sobs loudly. Molly rushes to her side, kneeling down next to her friend. 

"Sirius", she cries. 

"I'm so sorry, dear", Molly mumbles. Y/N's heart shatters and her sobs louder. Harry watches in horror at the sight of his godmother breaking. He knew Sirius would want her to be happy, that he wouldn't want her to cry. So, Harry quietly leaves the room and disappears up to Ron's. The door to the Burrow opens, Bill and Remus freezing at the sight before them. 

"Y/N?", Remus asks, kneeling beside the woman. Y/N doesn't respond but looks at him through her tears. 

"He's really gone, isn't he Remmy?", Y/N sobs. Remus sighs and pulls her into a hug. She clenches a fistful of his sweater and buries her face in his chest. Remus quietly presses a kiss to her head before resting his chin on the top of her head. His thoughts 

"Remember when Sirius beat up Malfoy?", Remus asks quietly. 

"Yeah, he beat him up because he called me a slut", says Y/N, "Malfoy was limping for a week." Y/N laughs weakly at the memory.

"What about the time you guys had that Jily bet?"

"I won that! Sirius was so convinced that I forced Lily to say yes to James!" Y/N laughs which causes everyone else to relax. Remus smiles and scoops Y/N up. He carries her to the living room and places her on the couch. He sits down next to her, brushing her hair out of her face. 

"Remember the winter ball our 7th year?", Remus asks. Y/N smiles fondly and nods. 

"Yeah, Sirius refused to wear dress robes so he duplicated my dress", Y/N says, "He and I rocked that dress and heels together!" The two laugh and Remus kisses Y/N's forehead. Y/N rests her head on his chest. 

"I'm going to miss him."

"Of course you are, darling", Remus says, "He was your brother." Y/N looks up at him.

"I know you miss him too", she mumbles, "You don't have to be strong for me." Remus smiles and caresses her cheek. 

"I'm not being strong", Remus replies, "He just wouldn't want us to cry." Y/N smiles and kisses him on the lips. A cough causes them to pull away. Harry stands awkwardly in front of them, blushing. 

"I have something for you, Y/N", Harry says. He holds out the Marauder's Map. Y/N takes it and traces Padfoot with her finger. 

"Thank you, Harry", Y/N says, "But I think you should keep that." Harry smiles and shifts slightly. 

"I figured you might say that, so I found this in Sirius's room." Harry holds out one of Sirius's old jumpers and his Quidditch sweater. He also hands her a small photo album. Y/N hugs the stuff tightly with new tears streaming down her face. 

"Thank you, Harry." She pulls him into a hug and Remus hugs them both. 

"I don't want to lose you two", Harry mumbles, "You guys are the only family I have left. You are like my mum and dad." Remus tightens his arm around us.

"I love you, Harry", Remus and I say together. 

"I love you too, Uncle Remus and Auntie Y/N", Harry says. The three of them fall asleep, wrapped up in each other's arms. 

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