Lovely Granger (Viktor Krum x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of Lovely Granger (obviously). On a side note, I have no idea how to type Viktor's accent so yeah... Anyways, you are Y/N Granger, Hermione's older sister. You are in your 6th year (Hermione's 4th), and you're a Gryffindor. 


 "Over here! Come and sit over here!", Ron hisses, "Over here! Hermione, budge up, make a space -"


"For Krum to sit over here."

"Give it a rest, Ron", I say.

"Yeah Ron!", George says.

"Give it a rest", adds Fred. Ron sighs and gives me his puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes before whistling loudly.

"Hey, Krum! Haul it over!", I yell. Krum points to us and some of the Durmstrang boys follow him over. The others head over to the Slytherin table.

"Thanks Y/N", Ron says beaming. Fred and George laugh as Ron stares at Viktor Krum who sits down on my left. Fred shoves George who in turn shoves me into Viktor.



"Come on Y/N! What happened with Krum last night?", Fred asks. I roll my eyes and look up at my two best friends. 

"Nothing happened between me and Krum", I snap. 

"That's bullshit! We saw that smile on your face!", George replies. I roll my eyes again but give in. 

"He just asked me to show him around the school", I say.  

"Ooo, you have a date", Fred says, as he and George share a grin. I playfully kick them and look around to make sure no one heard that, but then again, if someone heard they would have screamed. 

"It's not a date", I say, "I'm just showing him around." 

"You know he has a lot of fangirls, right?", George asks. 

"Yeah, so?"

"Miss Gurl, he picked you out of the hundreds of fangirls he has", Fred says. 

"So?" The twins facepalm. 

"He likes you!", they whisper-yell. 

"No, he doesn't", I say, snapping my potions book shut. 

"Wanna bet?", Fred asks. I pause and think it over for a few seconds before nodding. 

"Two galleons each", I say. The twins smirk and grab my hands, shaking them frantically.  

"Y/N", Viktor shouts, walking up to me and the twins. Fred and George smirk before running off. I glare at their retreating backs. 

"Hey Viktor", I say smiling. 

"Is now a good time to ask for the tour?", he asks, nervously shifting as he offers me his arm. 

"Yeah, it is", I say, smiling as I link my arm through his. I drag him off towards the dungeons, figuring that he might want to know where the kitchen was. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"And this is Hagrid's hut", I say, pointing at the large hut, "He's the Keeper of Keys and Grounds. He's the nicest person in this entire castle." As if on cue, Hagrid's door opens and Fang runs out with Hagrid himself following behind him. Fang rushes over to me and he gets on his hind legs and licks my face. I laugh as Viktor stumbles slightly as Fangs jumps to lick his face. 

"Ello Y/N", Hagrid says. His eyes shift towards Viktor, to our linked arms, and then to our intertwined fingers. 

"Hi Hagrid", I say smiling up at him. 

"That is one big man", Viktor mumbles and I stifle a laugh. Hagrid smiles kindly at Viktor before disappearing into his hut. He reappears and offers us both his famous Rock Cakes. I shake my head and Viktor politely takes one. 

"Thank you."

"Now, what are you two up to?", Hagrid asks, giving me a knowing smirk. 

"I believe we are on what is called a date", Viktor says. I blush and Hagrid's smirk grows. 

"I'm giving Viktor a tour of the school", I say quickly. Viktor and Hagrid give me a disbelieving look. 

"Really, Y/N?", Viktor says, "I believe I did say this was a date." I pause and try to recall our conversation from yesterday. Viktor's words echoing in my head: Would you like to go on a date with me, Miss Granger? Maybe you could give me a tour of the school?

"Oh Merlin", I say, "We're on a date." Hagrid and Viktor laugh as the realization starts sinking in. 

"I'm wearing sweats and Fred's old jumper looking like a complete mess and I'm on a date with Viktor Krum, a famous Quidditch player! Oh bloody hell! I owe those damn ginger assholes two galleons each!" 

3rd person

"Trust me, she isn't always this crazy", Hagrid says as he and Viktor watch Y/N ramble and pace the ground. 

"I think it's cute", Viktor replies, "It makes her interesting." Hagrid pats him on the back causing his knees to buckle. 

"Just don't break her heart", Hagrid says, "Or her ginger bodyguards will prank the living hell out of you." Viktor gulps as Y/N starts kicking at Hagrid's pumpkin without mercy.

A/N: I would like to say that the prologue and first chapter of Blood Traitors are out. So, do me a favor, read it if you want, and tell me what to think.

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