The Dark Lady (Y/N Potter)

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A/N: I would like to say that this one-shot is inspired by a few Tiktoks I saw. Anyways, you are Y/N Lily Potter, Harry's younger twin sister. You're a Slytherin. Draco's been your best friend since you were eleven. 


I open my eyes to find myself not at Hogwarts. I look next to me to find Hermione, staring back at me. I look around the room frantically, trying to figure out where we are. The sound of footsteps fills the air, getting closer and closer. The door opens and Draco Malfoy stands there. 

"Draco?" I say. He looks at me, his eyes silently pleading for forgiveness. I don't know for what exactly. He approaches me, kneeling in front of me. His hand cups my cheek and wipes away a stray tear. I didn't realize I was crying. 

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he says. "I failed you." 

"What are you talking about?" My question is soon answered when the door opens once more. Lucius and Bellatrix walk in, briskly heading for me and Hermione. 

"What are you doing, Draco?" shrieks Bellatrix. "Get away from the prisoners." Prisoners? I look at Draco who looks like he's struggling to hold back tears. He mumbles sorry again before scrambling away from me. Bellatrix laughs, dragging her wand up and down my jaw. 

"Aww, isn't she a cute little thing?" she says. "Are we sure she's the one who will rise if the Dark Lord fails?" Bellatrix smirks causing me to shiver slightly. 

"When the Dark Lord fails?" Hermione mumbles. The two Death Eaters ignore her.

"That's what the prophecy says," Lucius says, bored. 

"Prophecy?" I say. Lucius smirks, throwing a blue orb at me. I catch it. It looks like the one Harry saw in our fifth year. I look down at the orb and read it. 

Y/N Potter, the Dark Lady

The chosen one will vanquish the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord will die at the hands of the one he marked as his equal. From his ashes, a new evil will rise. The overlooked twin will rule with an iron fist.  All good in the magical world will disappear as evil will rule the Wizarding World. The chosen one's shadow will be the Dark Lady, more powerful than the Dark Lord himself. 

"What is this?" I drop the orb in horror as an image of me in dark clothes with an emerald crown flashes through my head. The evil smirk on my face burned into my mind. 

"Your destiny, darling," says Bellatrix, smiling. "You will rule the world." I stare at her, terrified. There's no fucking way that's my future. I wouldn't do that. 

"Come on, we have to bring them to the foyer," says Lucius. Lucius grabs my arms and pulls me up while Bellatrix does the same with Hermione. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"Now girls, the boys can only pick one of you, so Y/N, who's going to save you?" Bellatrix asks from her perch on the arm of the couch. Lucius sips his tea, looking at me and Hermione. 

"Nobody," I say. 

"What? Y/N, that's not true!" Hermione shrieks. I look at her dead in the eyes. 

"Yes, it is," I say. "We both know it is." 

"You're Harry's twin sister!" Hermione insists. "They'll pick you." 

"Shut up, Hermione!" I snap. "They'll both pick you!" Draco looks up from his hands and at me sadly. Even he knows Harry and Ron will pick Hermione. Suddenly, Harry and Ron appear. Here we go. 

"So boys, who's it going to be?" Bellatrix taunts, pointing her wand from me to Hermione. 

"Hermione," Ron says quickly. "Sorry, Y/N." I fucking knew it. Hermione can deny it all she wants, but the boys love her more than me. They care more about her than me. I look at Harry. He avoids looking at me. 

"Sorry, Y/N," mumbles Harry. "We pick Hermione." Hermione is untied and she rushes over to Harry and Ron. I watch, a sharp pain in my heart. I start laughing causing everyone to look at me shocked. The Golden Trio makes a run for it. 

"I fucking knew it!" I say after them. "I fucking knew nobody would pick me! Nobody ever does! Nobody!" I laugh hysterically. It almost sounds evil. Bellatrix and Lucius look at me with both astonishment and sympathy. 

"Y/N, darling, you're free to go," Bellatrix says. My own restraints disappear and I look at her, surprised. 

"Why though?" I ask. 

"Because you deserve better." I smile at her and run after the Golden Trio. 

"Y/N-" starts Harry, reaching out to hug me. 

"Don't touch me!" I snap. He shrinks back and I look up at the moon. 

Maybe becoming the Dark Lady won't be so bad after all. 

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now