Author's Note

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Dear readers,

Surprise! I'm not dead!

To say that it's been awhile would be an understatement. I know it's been a few years since the last time I have updated any of the fanfic stories on this account. I mean the last time I published anything on this account I was still in high school. I graduated last year and am currently in the second semester of my freshman year of college. I know. Time flies. Anyways, I feel like I owe you all an explanation as to why I disappeared on you all for the last few years.

Firstly, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before but for the past few years of my life, I have been struggling with mental health issues. To put it simply, I'm mentally ill and I was overwhelmed with every single thing in my life ( I still am). I needed time to learn how to balance my mental state and my daily life and fortunately I've learned (and still am learning) how to manage my mental illnesses. I'm now in a place where it's not too much of a disability, but I still have a long way to go to get better.

Secondly, I lost my passion for writing fanfic for a while. I think part of the reason why was because I wanted to write and share my own stories with people. I wanted to create my own worlds and my own characters that people could love and maybe relate to in some way. I'm not the same person I was when I first started publishing on Wattpad. I was a fourteen year old girl with a passion for writing who decided to write about the book series and characters that saved her from reality. I have always wanted to and dreamed of writing and sharing my own work and I disappeared to try and chase that dream. I didn't want to just be a Harry Potter fanfic writer forever. I'm currently working on my own stories, but I do miss writing about the characters that helped make me feel less lonely.

I think I'm ready to start writing my fanfics again, but I also want to write my own work. I hope that you will consider reading my work as well as my fanfics, but if you'd rather read about characters you already love, that's okay. I will gladly write about them because I love the Harry Potter characters dearly.

So in short, I'm back. I can't promise that I won't drag when it comes to posting, but I can promise I'll try my best to start publishing here again as well as for my own sake, publishing my own work on my separate account : @ggarcia165.

Currently, I'm working on where I left off in my current books on this account and my new original work that's going to be a coming of age book. I will be trying to create a publishing schedule so I can balance homework, class, and writing.

For now, I'm saying this: More one-shots and chapters of Bloodtraitors are on the way.

Too_Unique13 :)

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