Author's Note: Please Read

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Dear readers,

Hey Uniquers! It's me Too_Unique obviously. Anyways I wanted to take the time to tell you that even though this book barely started, I need to take a small break from Wattpad. Don't get me wrong, I love writing and I'm probably going to be an English major when I go to college. But that's beside the point. I'm taking a small break from Wattpad not just because of everything that's going on in America and just the world in general, but also because of some personal issues that are affecting my mental health. I need the time to worry about my mental health because if not it's gonna collapse at some point. 

Along with my mental health, I will also be focusing on Alchemy's Escape Room (Coming out September 2020). It's my first book with a plotline I actually like. Don't get me wrong, I love writing the one-shots. It's what helped spark my love for writing but I wanna take it a step further and create my own characters and my own world. I have business calls with my friends who are also helping with Alchemy in their own way. One of my friends is even making artwork for Alchemy which I will happily share with you guys. But a big reason why I wanna finish writing Alchemy is because my friends and I need a project for our sophomore year. We might turn Alchemy into a short film that I will gladly share with you all. 

Please understand I will continue writing the one-shots but I need a small break.


Gemma Garcia (Too_Unique13)

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