Everything To Me (Albus Severus x Abused! Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N L/N and you are in Slytherin. You are the same age as Albus and Scorpius. This takes place in your 5th year. Warning: Contains hints of abuse.  


"Hey Y/N!", Scorpius yells tackling me into a hug. 

"Hey Scorp", I say, "Can you please get off? I kinda need to breathe." Scorpius stands up pulling me up too.  Albus runs up to us and wraps his arms around me. I blush wrapping my arms around him. Scorpius smirks over Albus's shoulder. I roll my eyes as Albus pulls away. 

"How was your summer?", Al asks smiling. I advert my gaze. 

"I-It was okay", I reply. 

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He brushes my bangs to the side and cups my cheeks. Tilting my face up, Albus looks into my eyes. Tear well up in my eyes and I struggle to hold them back. 


"Y/N, don't lie", Albus whispers. I shake my head and Al lets go. He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the train. 

----Time Skip: 1 month later----

Albus's POV

"Miss L/N, we're trying our best to get you out of there", McGonagall says as she and Y/N walk out of her office. Scorpius and I quickly hide behind a pillar. Peeking out, we see Y/N in tears with McGonagall rubbing her arm in comfort. 

"They're going to get mad, Professor", Y/N whispers. McGonagall knees down to look her in the eyes. 

"Y/N, they aren't allowed to do that to you", she says, "We have to take you away from them. It doesn't matter that they're your legal guardians."

"But my mother wouldn't want me away from my aunt."

"Your mother wouldn't want you to get beat."

"Neither would my father but they're gone", Y/N says looking down. McGonagall sighs. 

"Y/N, do you have any idea why your aunt and uncle hit you?", McGonagall asks. 

"I think it's because I'm a witch", Y/N replies, "They're the worst muggles." 

"That sounds like your great aunt and uncle", Scorp whispers. I shake my head. 

"They were verbally abusive to my dad", I whisper back, "They never hit him." 

"Y/N, would you like me to tell the minister?", McGonagall asks. 

"No!", Y/N says sharply, "She'll tell Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy!" 

"What's wrong with that?"

"I don't want Albus and Scorpius to know! Especially Al!" Scorp tenses beside me. I know I'm tense too. 

"Miss L/N, we have to tell them in order to get you out of that house!", McGonagall says sharply. 

"Fine! But let me tell Al and Scorp first!", Y/N pleads, "They should hear it from me." McGonagall nods in understanding. 

"You have until the end of the day." With that, they part ways. I look at Scorp whose eyes are full of tears. 

"Poor Y/N", Scorp says. 

----Mini Time Skip----


I stumble onto my bed and pull my legs into my chest. Burying my face in my knees, I try focusing on my breathing. Calm down Y/N. Just calm down. You're okay it's just a panic attack. 

Don't talk back, girl!

Go get the belt!

No one will ever want you!

You're worthless, you freak!

Scream all you want! Nobody's going to hear you!

If anyone sees, tell them you fell, got it?!

"Y/N! It's okay, I'm here!" Albus's emerald eyes appear in front of mine. I shake my head. 

"What's wrong?", Scorp asks. 

"I-It's a p-panic attack", I choke out. Albus nods at Scorpius who takes a hint and leaves. Al wraps his arms around me. My ear presses against his chest. 

"Can you hear my heartbeat?", Albus asks. 

"Y-Yeah", I stutter. 

"Just focus on it", he says. I close my eyes and sure enough, after a while my breathing evens out.

"Thanks Al", I mumble into his chest. He shifts, his legs boxing me into him. 

"How many times have I told you to find me if you feel like you're going to have one?"



"I'm sorry Al, but they come out of nowhere." Al sighs and buries his face into my hair.

"Why didn't you tell me?", Albus asks. 

"Tell you what?" I look up at him. 

"That your aunt and uncle beat you." I sigh and look down. 

"It's not an easy thing to take about, Al", I say. Albus's grip tightens. 

"I know it isn't", Albus says, "But I could have helped you." 

"No, you couldn't Al!" 

"Yes, I could have!" I shove him away and stand up. I take off my cloak and unbutton my shirt. I throw it and kick off my skirt and tights revealing all the scars and bruises on my body and legs. Albus's eyes widen and I see a faint blush on his cheeks. 

"You couldn't have done anything!", I yell with tears falling down my face, "No one can! They've been doing it for years and they're not gonna stop!" Albus stays silent and takes off his own cloak. He drapes it over my shoulders and presses a kiss to my forehead. I blush from both the kiss and the fact that I just realized I let him see me almost completely naked. Y/N, why are you stupid?!

"Y/N I promise you, I won't let them hurt you anymore", Albus whispers. 

"You can't promise that", I say looking up at him. 

"Yes I can", Albus says, "I'll ask Dad if you can stay with us."

"Just for the summer?"

"No, we're getting you out of that hellhole."



"Why are you doing this for me?", I ask.

"Because you mean everything to me", Albus replies. I smile and Al presses his lips against mine. 

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