Preview of The Heiress Part 2

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A/N: This a preview of The Heiress Pt. 2 which I completely forgot about until I looked in my drafts. On a total side note, I have an announcement. The Duo of House Black book is OUT NOW! Check it out in my works. Now, here's the preview of The Heiress Pt. 2. 


"This is a pain", I grumble, "Why do I have to be here? I already know all this shit." Aunt Minnie glares at me over her glasses as I sigh and dramatically drape myself over the side of her desk. Aunt Minnie gently shoves me away from her desk, causing me to slide onto the floor.

"Oof!" Aunt Minnie rolls her eyes at my dramatics before fixing me with a stern look.

"Because dear, you are a 4th year and are required to take Transfiguration!", Aunt Minnie declares, "And watch your mouth." I roll my eyes as I stand up and dust my skirt off. The bell rings and students begin to file into the class. I take the seat nearest to Aunt Minnie as curious glances get thrown my way. Harry Potter and his friends walk in as I rest my feet on top of my desk and lean back. The girl throws me a look as Harry and the other boy approach me. Harry sits down next to me with the redhead on his other side.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Harry Potter", he says, holding out his hand. I smile and take it.

"I know", I say, "Y/N Gryffindor."

"I know", he echos back. Aunt Minnie shoves my feet off the desk as she begins her lesson. I grumble and sit properly as Harry laughs quietly next to me. I playfully glare at him causing him to laugh again. 

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now