Terrible Father (Sirius Black x Daughter!Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: So, a lot of you requested a part 2 so I am not paying attention in class for this. You're welcome 🤣🤣🤣. A special thank you to Hpfanforlife539 for allowing me to use the idea they commented on in part 1. Anyways, you are Y/N Black, Sirius's daughter. Your mother died while giving birth to you so you were raised by Remus. You are a Gryffindor. This happens in Harry's and your 5th year.


"How come he don't want me, Uncle Moony?", I whisper. Slowly, the tears start falling down my face. Uncle Moony stands up and wraps his arms around me. I bury my face in his sweater.

"But I do want you", Dad says standing up.

"Don't you dare get close to her right now, Sirius", Molly snaps as I start sobbing harder.

"I wish my Uncle Moony was my real father", I sob, "At least he loves me and puts me before Harry." Uncle Moony's grip around me tightens.

"I'm sorry", Dad cries. I pull away from Uncle Moony and look at him. He's crying too.

"Sorry isn't good enough anymore", I say. I look at Uncle Moony before walking out of the room. I hear Dad's sobs even after I'm halfway up the stairs. 


I stare blankly at the wall as Harry, Hermione, and Ron come into the room with the twins and Ginny following behind them. 

"Y/N, don't you think you went a little too far?", Harry asks, sitting on the edge of the bed by my feet. I rip my gaze away from the wall and glare at him. 

"No, I don't", I say. 

"I think you went too far", he says, "I've never seen Sirius cry." 

"Of course you think I went too far", I snap. I glare at the wall ignoring the others as they talk about my 'tantrum'. 

"You okay, N/N?", Fred asks sitting next to me. I shake my head. Hermione looks between me and Fred before giving me a small smile. 

"Let's give them some privacy, guys", she says. The floorboards creaking as they leave, and once we're alone, I talk. 

"Why doesn't he love me like he loves Harry?" Fred sighs before pulling me into him. I bury my face into his chest. 

"I don't know, N/N", he mumbles into my hair, "But if it makes you feel any better, I love you." I blush and look up at him. 


"I said  I love you." I feel my face turn redder before burying it in his chest again. 

"I love you too, Freddie", I say, though it's muffled. Fred smiles and kisses me. 

"Ready to go down now?", he asks after a few kisses. I nod. 

"I think so." He gives me a small smile and pulls us both up. He guides me out the door and down the stairs back into the kitchen. Dad glares at Fred as soon as he sees him holding my hand. Fred starts to let go but I don't let him. I glare back at Dad as Bill moves into Fred's spot next to him leaving his seat for Fred. I sit down and Uncle Moony wraps an arm around my shoulder. He squeezes it and presses a kiss to my temple. 

"Here Y/N, dear", Molly says, placing my food down in front of me. 

"Thank you, Molly", I say. She smiles and places a hand on my shoulder for a few seconds. Dad watches me closely through the rest of dinner. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"Can we talk?", Dad asks as I get up to help Molly with the dishes. 

"Sure", I say. I follow him out and into the room with the tapestry. To my surprise, I was on the family tree. 

"Kreacher!", Dad hollers. Kreacher appears. 

"Master called Kreacher?", Kreacher asks croakily. Kreacher looks up from his bow to see me standing next to Dad. Kreacher gives his weird little smile and bows lower than he did for Dad. 


"Hello Kreacher", I say, "How's your day?" Before Kreacher can reply, Dad clears his throat. Kreacher and I glare at him. 

"Kreacher, get it", Dad says. Kreacher disappears and I look at Dad curiously. When Kreacher reappears, he holds a black diamond choker tenderly:

 When Kreacher reappears, he holds a black diamond choker tenderly:

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"Give it to me", Dad orders. 

"No! It belongs to my mistress, not you", Kreacher protests wrapping it into his rags. 

"I will give you clothes", Dad threatens. Kreacher hands it over reluctantly. Dad takes it and hands it to me. I look down at the heavy choker. 

"Why are you giving this to me?", I ask. Dad shrugs. 

"It's a Black family heirloom", Dad says, "You're a Black, Y/N. I have no use for it. It's yours." I look back down at the choker and look back up at Dad. Anger and frustration bubbles up in my stomach. 

"Why are you giving this to me now?", I snap, "I know for a fact that this choker is supposed to be passed down to the Black heir or heiress on their 16th birthday." Dad glares at Kreacher who hugs my leg. 

"I've never been one for tradition", Dad says. I scoff. 

"Kreacher, keep this safe for me."

"Yes Mistress", Kreacher says as I hand it to him. He takes it and gently tucks it into his rags.

"That's bullshit, Dad", I say, "I know you're only giving this to me as a sad attempt to try to make it up to me."

"Y/N, I really am sorry", Dad says, "I didn't realize I was doing that." I scoff and grab Kreacher's hand. 

"You're not really sorry, you're just sorry I pointed it out", I say. I walk out of the room dragging Kreacher with me.

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