8 Letters (Young! Sirius x Reader)

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A/N: Another day, another songfic (might be terrible). The song in this one-shot is 8 Letters by Why Don't We (Above). In this one-shot, you are Y/N L/N and you are a Gryffindor.

You know me the best
You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge
That, right there, is the scariest feeling
Opening and closing up again
I've been hurt so I don't trust
Now here we are, staring at the ceiling

"Are you okay, Y/N?", Sirius asks. Y/N stares blankly out the window, not noticing his presence. She tries to even out her breathing. 

"Keep yourself grounded", she thinks, "You got this"

"Y/N?" She snaps out of her thoughts and looks up at the boy in front of her.

"Y-Yeah?", she says, taking in a shaky breath. Sirius squats down in front of her and wipes the running mascara off her face. 

"Hey, hey, hey! Shhh...it's okay. Everything's okay", Sirius soothes, "It's just a panic attack. You'll get through it." He pulls her into his chest and rubs her arm. She tenses and tries to escape. 

"Hey, it's okay. You can trust me."  Y/N hesitantly rests her head over his heart, eyes closing as she focuses on its beating. Slowly, the panic disappears.  

"Thanks, Siri." The boy nods and squeezes her. 

"Come to me, if you feel it happening again."

I've said those words before but it was a lie
And you deserve to hear them a thousand times

"We're over!", Lucious Malfoy shouts. 

"Fine! I never loved you anyway!", Y/N shouts back, "Go date that blonde bitch!"

If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?
If all it is is eight letters
Why am I in my own way?
Why do I pull you close?
And then ask you for space
If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?

"She's been a mess for days", Remus comments as they watch their depressed friend. Y/N quickly fixes her hair before leaving the common room. 

"Can you blame her? Malfoy cheated on her with Narcissa Black", James says as the portrait slams shut behind her. 

"She didn't love him though", Sirius barks, "Why is she so upset?" Remus and James scoff as Lily walks up to them. 

"Because her parents officially disowned her", she says, sitting down on James's lap. 

"What?!", all three boys shout. 

"You didn't know?", Lily says, "The only reason her parents didn't disown her the minute she was sorted into Gryffindor was because she was dating Malfoy." 

Isn't it amazing how almost every line on our hands align?
When your hand's in mine
It's like I'm whole again, isn't that a sign?
I should speak my mind


"Yeah, Siri?"

"Can I tell you something?"


"I like you, not just as a friend or a one-night stand", Sirius says, looking down at the smaller girl. Y/N blushes as a smile appear on her face. 

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