What I Never Had (Harry x Baby! Reader)

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A/N: This one-shot was once again requested by todobakudeku1shipper. This one-shot will be in Harry's POV and this will take place a few months after the war. Sorry if it's terrible. 

I wondered around Little Whinging but my thoughts were somewhere else. I came back to get some of the things I had left at Mrs. Figg's for safekeeping. I make my way to the playground but stop once I hear a baby's cry. 

"Hello?" I spot a box down the sidewalk a few feet away from me. I rush over to it and look around before peeking into the box. Inside, was a small baby. She had (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes and she couldn't be more than 6 months old. 

"What are you doing here?", I ask. The baby stops crying, reaches up, and takes my glasses. She giggles. I smile and look around me. No one was outside. 

"Dada". I look down at the baby. She holds out my glasses. I take them and put them back on.


"I'm not your dad", I say. The baby raises her arms toward me making grabbing motions. I smile and pick her up. 

"Dada", she says softly. 

"I guess I'll bring you with me", I say, "Can't just leave you here". 

----Time Skip----

I apparate back to the Burrow with the baby in my arms. For her first time, she took it very well. I walked up the steps and into the house. Everyone was in the sitting room doing their own thing. I make my way over. Mrs. Weasley looks up at the sound of my footsteps. 

"Welcome back, Harry, dear", Mrs. Weasley says. 

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley", I say. 

"How was your trip?" Before I could reply, the baby starts crying. Everyone looks up at me with wide eyes.


"I think she's hungry", I say. Mrs. Weasley rushes to the kitchen. I rock my arms back and forth trying to calm her down.

"Where did you find her?", Ron asks. 

"I found her in a box on the corner of Magnolia Cresent", I reply looking down at the small girl.

"Do you want me to feed her?", Mrs. Weasley asks coming back with a warm bottle.

"I want to do it", I reply. Mrs.Weasley nods and leads me to where she was sitting. I sit down and she walks me through feeding her. 

"Harry, what are we going to do with her?", Hermione asks. 

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to give her to an orphanage?", George asks. 

"No! She's staying with me!", I say. Ginny rubs my back. 

"What are you going to name her?", Ginny asks. 

"Y/N Nymphadora Ginerva Potter Weasley", I reply looking at Ginny. She looks at me and the baby lovingly. 

"I like that name", Ginny mumbles. She leans down and presses a kiss to Y/N's forehead. 

"Poor girl", Ron says, "Such a long name".  Mrs. Weasley sniffs. We all look at her. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Mum? What's wrong?", George asks. 

"I'm a grandma", she sobs. 

"Do you want to hold her?", I ask. Mrs.Weasley nods frantically. I stand up letting her take my place. I hand her Y/N. 

"She's beautiful", Mrs.Weasley says. Hermione peeks into the little bundle. 

"Who would be so heartless to abandon their own child?", Hermione sniffs. 

"A monster", George says standing up to take a better look at his new niece. 

"Poor baby", Hermione says. 

----Time Skip: 1 year later----

"Daddy!" Y/N walks up to me. I smile and pick her up. She wraps her small arms around my neck. 

"There's my princess", I say pressing a kiss to her cheek. She giggles and I walk into the Gryffindor Common Room. Ginny and Hermione run around looking for something or should I say, someone. 

"Are you looking for something?", I ask. They both look up and sigh in relief. Ginny takes Y/N from my arms.

"Y/N, I told you to wait for Daddy here", Ginny says. 

"I sorry, Mummy", Y/N whimpers. Her eyes fill up with tears. Ginny sighs and strokes her cheek.

"It's okay", Ginny says, "Just don't do it again". Y/N nods before nuzzling into Ginny's shoulder. 

"She's gonna be a little troublemaker", Hermione says as I take Y/N.  

----Mini Time Skip----

"You know Harry, you're really spoiling her", Ron says. I look down at the sleeping Y/N in my arms. 

"So? Something wrong with that?", I ask. 

"No, Harry, there's nothing wrong with that", Hermione interjects. 

"But the question is why?", George asks. I glare at them. 

"Don't get us wrong", Ron says, "We love her but why?". I look down at my little princess. 

"Because I want to give her what I never had", I said. Y/N opens her eyes and smiles at me rubbing her eye. 

"I want to make sure she feels wanted". I lean down and press a kiss to Y/N's forehead. She giggles and takes my glasses. 

"Daddy?" I look down at her. 

"I wuv you", Y/N says. My glasses on her face.

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