Terrible Father (Sirius Black x Daughter!Reader) Pt. 3

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A/N: So, a lot of you requested a part 3 so I am not paying attention in class (again) for this. You're welcome 🤣🤣🤣. A special thank you to Hpfanforlife539 for allowing me to use the idea they commented on in part 1. Anyways, you are Y/N Black, Sirius's daughter. Your mother died while giving birth to you so you were raised by Remus. You are a Gryffindor. This happens in Harry's and your 5th year. Fair warning: There are a lot of time skips in this one. The bonus scene is another Tiktok sound. 


"It's a Black family heirloom", Dad says, "You're a Black, Y/N. I have no use for it. It's yours." I look back down at the choker and look back up at Dad. Anger and frustration bubbles up in my stomach.

"Why are you giving this to me now?", I snap, "I know for a fact that this choker is supposed to be passed down on the Black heir or heiress on their 16th birthday." Dad glares at Kreacher who hugs my leg.

"I'm never one for tradition", Dad says. I scoff.

"Kreacher, keep this safe for me."

"Yes Mistress", Kreacher says as I hand it to him. He takes it and gently tucks it into his rags.

"That's bullshit, Dad", I say, "I know you're only giving this to me as a sad attempt to try to make it up to me."

"Y/N, I really am sorry", Dad says, "I didn't realize I was doing that." I scoff and grab Kreacher's hand.

"You're not really sorry, you're just sorry I pointed it out", I say. I walk out of the room dragging Kreacher with me.


I follow after the trio with Fred holding my hand. Uncle Moony was pushing my trolley with my trunk and owl Hiro. Dad barks nudging my hand. I roll my eyes and pull my hand away. Dad whimpers slightly before running after Harry. 

"I see that smile, love", Fred says. I roll my eyes. 

"You're imagining things", I say. 

"Uh-huh, whatever you say, love."

----Mini Time Skip----

"Oh I don't know, Lord Voldemort!", Harry snaps at Umbridge. Umbridge opens her mouth to reply, but I cut her off. 

"Don't you dare say he's lying, Umbitch", I sneer. Draco gives me a high-five under the desk. Umbridge turns from Harry to me. 

"Miss Black, that is not my name", she says, "It's Umbridge." Her smile doesn't falter even a bit. 

"I think I'll stick with Umbitch", I say, "Oh, and Harry's right, by the way, Voldemort is back, no matter what the Ministry says."

"Oh no Harry's right", Umbridge says, "There is a danger out there, and if I remember correctly, he's your father." She harshly shoves her finger at my chest. I laugh darkly. 

"Bold of you to assume you can hurt my pride by bringing up my father", I snap, "My old man is no danger. He's like a big puppy. Heck, he would probably trail after Harry like a dog." Harry, Hermione, and Ron all glare at me. 

"Actually Miss Black, he would probably trail after you", Harry says, emphasizing Black. I roll my eyes. 

"Oh no, Harry, he'd trail after you, after all, you are his fucking godson." I grab my bag and storm off. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"Stupefy!", Neville and I yell. The Death Eater keels over backward and his mask slips off. It was Macnair, Buckbeak's would-be killer, one of his eyes now swollen and bloodshot. 

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