Claws & Moony (Louis x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: For the sake of this one-shot, Remus and Tonks live. So, you are Y/N Andromeda Lupin and you are the same age as James, Louis, and Freddie. You four are the second generation of Marauders and all in Gryffindor. You guys are also Animagi. You are Moony (Wolf), James is Prongs (Stag), Freddie's Padfoot (Dog), and Louis is Claws (Cat). Remus is still the DADA teacher.


"Later Dad", I say as Louis and I stand to leave the room.

"Y/N, you better not get another detention", Dad warns.

"There's a reason why we're the second generation of Marauders, Uncle Remus", Louis says.

"That's not a reason to get detention", Dad says.

"Dad, it's not my fault! Prongs and Padfoot always do the stupidest pranks!", I say.

"If the pranks are so stupid, then why do you hang out with them?"

"Moony thinks it's her legacy!"

"Y/N, just stay out of trouble", Dad says, "Louis, make sure she stays out of trouble." I huff as Louis nods. Dad ruffles my hair and pushes me out the door. Louis follows behind. As soon as we're outside, a group of girls surrounds Louis. I roll my eyes and walk towards James and Freddie.

"Look Padfoot, someone's jealous", James teases.

"Aww! Little Moony wants Claws all to herself", Freddie coos.

"Shut it you two!", I snap. I lean at the wall and the three of us watch Louis with his fangirls.

"I wish I had Veela blood", James mutters.

"He's only one-eighth veela", I say.

"It's still something", Freddie says, "Don't you think Claws is cute?" I blush and look away.

"I don't!"

"You totally do!"

"Shut up! I don't! Besides even if I did, he wouldn't like me back", I mumble. James wraps his arm around my shoulders.


"Let's go eat", Louis says as he walks up to us. I shake my head causing the three of them to look at me.

"I'm going to go to the library", I mumble, "I need to get my DADA essay done." I run off before any of them can stop me.

Louis's POV

"That was obviously an excuse to leave", I say watching as the h/c hair disappears around the corner, "We all know she finished it the day we got it." James sighs.

"Let's go get dinner", he says.

"What about Y/N?", Fred asks.

"I'll sneak her down to the kitchen later." Fred and I sigh following after James. At dinner, he looks down at his phone texting someone.

"Who are you texting?", I ask.

"Teddy", James replies, "He's coming to see Y/N." I tense, causing both Fred and James to look at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Teddy hates me!", I groan, "He always glares at me!" James and Fred burst out laughing.

"He doesn't hate you!", Fred says.

"Then why does he glare at me?!"

"Because he thinks you're in love with Moony", James says wiping a tear. I blush and look down at my food. Fred gasps dramatically. 

"You're in love with Moony?!", Fred yells so loud that the whole Great Hall looks at us. I sink down in my bench as Uncle Remus stands up and walks over to us. 

"Way to go Fred", James says, "You got Claws killed and it isn't even October yet!"

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