My Girlfriend! (George x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N L/N, a Hufflepuff in Fred and George's year. You and George have been dating for 7 months. This happens the summer before your 5th year. 


"I can't wait for you to meet my parents", George says, placing his head in my lap. Fred and Lee sit down in the seat across from us. I smile and run my hand through his hair. 

"Really?", I ask. George snuggles into my thigh slightly. A smile forming on his face as he places his hand over my knee. 

"Of course! You're my girlfriend!", says George, placing a small kiss on my thigh. I shiver slightly and a blush forms on my cheek. 

"Hey! Keep it PG you two!", Fred snaps, teasingly. George glares at him as Lee snickers. I giggle and run my hand through his hair again. George sighs contently closing his eyes. 

----Mini Time Skip----

"Mum, this is my girlfriend!", George says proudly, "Y/N L/N!" Mrs. Weasley looks up from the vegetables she was cutting up. 

"You couldn't find someone better, dear?", Mrs. Weasley asks. I glance at George confused and he glares at his mother angrily. 

"Mum, don't talk about her like that!", George snaps, "She's my girlfriend and I love her!"

"I wasn't talking to you!", Mrs. Weasley says, "I was talking to her!" I burst out laughing as George's face turns bright red. Mrs. Weasley smiles at me and I grin back. George huffs and grabs our trunks. 

"I'm taking our stuff up to my room", he grumbles. He mutters under his breath as he drags both trunks up the stairs. I walk over to Mrs. Weasley and offer to help. We chop the vegetables in comfortable silence.  

"Actually Mrs. Weasley", I say, breaking the silence, "I picked the best person in the entire world." 

"Take care of him for me", says Mrs. Weasley, "Okay, dear?" 

"Of course, I will. I love him." 

"And I know he loves you." Mrs. Weasley smiles at me and I return it. After we finish the vegetables, Mrs. Weasley tells me to go find George. I head up the stairs, quickly finding the twins' room. I knock and Fred opens the door. He lets me in and George immediately grabs my hand, pulling me onto his bed. 

"Don't leave me for that long ever again", George mumbles into my neck. 

"George, it was only 10 minutes!"

"So? It's enough time to miss you!"

"Please just don't leave him", Fred groans, "He was crying and complaining none stop!" I look at George who blushes. I giggle and wiggle my way out of his grasp. George protests but I manage to make it to my trunk. I shuffle through it before pulling out a red scrunchie. I walk back over to George's bed and sit down. I hold it out to him. 

"What's this?", George asks, taking it. 

"My scrunchie", I say, "You can wear it so when I'm not with you, you still have a piece of me." George looks at the scrunchie as a big smile appears on his face. He slides it onto his wrist and fluffs it up. Fred reaches out to touch the velvet scrunchie but George smacks his hand away. 

"Ouch George!", says Fred, "I just wanna touch it!"

"No! This is mine!", George snaps, "My girlfriend gave it to me!" Fred reaches out to touch it again and earns another smack. 

"Fine! Fine!", he says, "It's yours." George smiles satisfied and stares at the scrunchie lovingly. 

"I'm never getting that back, am I?", I whisper to Fred. 

"Nope", Fred whispers back. The three of us hang out for a while in their room before deciding to head downstairs. 

"Mum! Mum!", George yells, as he, Fred, and I walk into the kitchen.

"What is it, George?", Mrs. Weasley asks, looking up. George runs up to her and holds up the scrunchie. 

"Look what Y/N gave me!", he says happily, "My girlfriend gave me a scrunchie!"

"That's wonderful, dear." My heart melts as he puts it back on his wrist proudly. Mrs. Weasley looks up at me and Fred with a smile. I smile back as George runs over to me and scoops me up in my arms. 

"MY GIRLFRIEND!!", George yells, proudly.  

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