Dear Cedric... (Cedric x Reader)

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A/N: Hey Uniquers! I decided to do something a little different. This one-shot is in the format of a letter. I would also like to say that some of these words/sentences are excerpts from one of my own letters (obviously modified to fit the scenario [meaning the parts that say/imply he's dead]), so if the letter sounds genuine that's because it is. I wrote it for someone who shall remain unidentified. 

Dear Cedric,

It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. You've been gone for about 3 months now Cedric and there are so many things I didn't get the chance to tell you.

If I'm being honest, I had a crush on you since I was ten and you were eleven (six years at the time of writing). I don't know what that says about me as a person but I do know that is commitment. I swear I'm this dorky in general. I don't know why I still like you (no offense). I just thought it was a childhood crush but I was wrong. It grew from a childhood crush the minute I turned thirteen (I'm dumb. I know). And then, it grew from whatever it was at thirteen to something more when I turned fifteen. It's not love, at least I don't think. If it is love, then I didn't choose to love you, you know? It just happened. I always knew I wouldn't be her. I wouldn't be the girl who catches your eye. I mean, why would you ever like me? I'm just me and you'

There are two types of love, I suppose. There's a difference between the two. One is all-consuming and it's the type that means the world. The type that always brings you back to that one person. When in love, the idea of leaving kills you. It is impossible to imagine having a life worth living if you have to without that one person there. The other is simply there and it's the type that some people throw away. You can accept when the person you love is better off with you. I've never been in love, that's something I am well aware of. When it came to you, Cedric, I had no idea what it was and I still don't. I liked you, that much I know, but a crush only lasts four months. Love is a strong word, but in some ways, I suppose I loved you.

When I looked at you, I saw a lot of things. I saw someone who could be my secret keeper and someone who could have been able to deal with my spontaneous, wild, carefree, and chaotic spirit. I saw my best friend and a boy who's different than others. Someone who didn't seem dangerous but someone who could possibly feel like home. I saw the boy who saved me. You saved me in every possible way a person can be saved. When the world started to cave in on me, you were there. You took my hand and lead me out of the darkness. You were by my side when no one else was. You were my shoulder to lean on, my shoulder to cry on, and I loved you for it. I liked the cute faces you pulled and the way you talked. I loved how passionate you were about the things you loved and the things you cared about. You were an amazing person, you know? Despite everything great about you, I knew you weren't perfect. You were human after all and like everyone else, you were flawed. In my eyes though, you were perfect and to me, that's all that mattered.

You've been gone for about 3 months now Cedric and I'm glad I got the chance to tell you all the things I didn't get the chance to tell you. I hope your life in heaven isn't as complicated as my life is right now. Maybe someday we'll meet again and I'll get to tell you these things to your face.

Until we meet again,


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