Wedding (Marcus Flint x Theodora Yaxley)

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This one-shot was requested by __futeema__. Theodora Yaxley is Corban Yaxley's only and beloved daughter. She was a Slytherin and she loves muggles. She's not a Death Eater. Theodora had been in love with Marcus since first year. Now on with the story. 

Theodora's POV

 It's June 5, 1999, the war had been over for 1 year. I sat nervously, watching myself in the mirror as Pansy and Luna start with my hair and make-up. It was my wedding day, the day I had been dreaming about since first year. 

"What's going through that head of yours, Thea?", Pansy asks, as she applies some setting powder to my face. I sigh and watch my reflection.

"What if Marcus sees me and decides he doesn't want to marry me?", I ask, mumbling the last part quietly. 

"Thea, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say", says Luna, as she finishes curling my hair. 

"What if-"

"Theodora Yaxley, that man is in love with you!", Hermione reassures from her spot on the bed, "He's been in love with you since your first year!" 


"He asked you to marry him for Merlin's sake!", adds Ginny, brushing Hermione's hair. I give her a small smile and sigh.

"He did, didn't he?" Luna and Pansy add the finishing touches to my hair.  Hermione and Ginny rush over to us and the four of them help me into my dress. Pansy tightens the corset and places her hands on my shoulders. 

"No doubts, Thea", Pansy says, "This is the best day of your life!" She squeezes my shoulders causing me to smile as a knock sounds at the door. 

"Are you girls ready?", my father asks, though it's muffled because of the door. 

"Yeah!", we chorus. He opens the door and tears up as his eyes land on me. He makes a beeline for me and pulls me into a hug. 

"Dad", I say. 

"I know! I know!", Dad says, "It's just hard for me to let my lovely little girl go." Dad starts sobbing as I awkwardly pat his back. The girls coo and I roll my eyes at them. Dad pulls himself together and takes a deep breath. 


"As I'll ever be", I reply. Dad takes my hand and tucks it into the crook of his elbow and we follow after the girls who quickly pair up with their assigned groomsmen. They walk down the aisle and I close my eyes just as Here Comes the Bride begins to play. I hear the shuffling as the guests stand up. Dad and I are now standing in the doorway. I catch sight of Marcus at the altar. He was standing nervously and his eyes widen at the sight of me. A blush creeps up his neck and it calms my nerves and I stifle a laugh. Dad walks me down the aisle as a few stray tears fall out of Marcus's eyes. Marcus climbs down a few stairs and meets me and Dad. He hooks his arm through my free arm.

"Take care of her, Marcus", Dad says, "Or I will kill you."

"Y-Yes sir", Marcus says, gulping. I giggle as Dad lets go of me. 

----Mini Time Skip----

The ceremony flew by and soon I find myself in the ballroom as Mrs. Theodora Flint. Hermione and the other rush up to me and pull me into the biggest group hug we've ever had. 

"Congratulations, you two!", Hermione says as Pansy hugs Marcus. 

"Thank you", Marcus and I say in sync. 

"We told you he wanted to marry you!", says Ginny with a teasing laugh. Marcus looks at me with questioning eyes and a small smirk. I roll my eyes and playfully push him. He laughs as we get surrounded by friends and family congratulating us. After greeting everyone, receiving hugs and best wishes, Marcus and I are finally able to escape onto the balcony overlooking the garden. 

"Can we talk about what your besties said earlier?", Marcus asks, leaning against the rail. 

"I don't know what you're talking about", I reply crossly. 

"Come on, Thea", says Marcus, "I know when you're lying." I sigh and look at him. 

"I was having doubts, okay?" Marcus chuckles and I smack his arm. 

"It's nice to know my suffering is amusing to you", I snap. Marcus laughs again, shaking his head. 

"No, it's not that", he says, "It's just that I was having doubts too." I stare at him wide-eyed and gasp mockingly. 

"Marcus Flint having doubts? Is the world ending?!" Marcus shakes his head and playfully shoves me. 

"Don't patronize me", says Marcus, "It's not my fault that you, Theodora Yaxley, are one of the most unpredictable people I have ever met."

"I could say the same about you, Marcus Flint", I say, smiling up at him, "And by the way, it's Theodora Flint." He leans down and kisses me and I immediately kiss back. 

"I love you, Theodora Flint", he whispers. 

"I love you too, Marcus Flint", I whisper back. 

----Some Years Later----

"Corban Flint, I told you not to wander!", I yell at my 11-year-old son. Corban looks up at me with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry Mum, I was just excited", Corban mumbles, "Besides I saw Rose and Albus." I roll my eyes and sigh. I swear this boy has a 6th sense for his friends. 

"Just tell me next time!", I snap as Marcus appears holding our 4-year-old daughter Pansy. 

"There you are, bud", he says, "Don't run off like that! Your mum almost destroyed the platform." I wack Marcus who laughs. 

"Don't exaggerate!", I snap. 

"It's not exaggerating, love", Marcus says. I huff and start off as Corban laughs alongside his father. I swear those two are going to be the death of me. 

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