Me or Victoire (Teddy x Reader) Pt. 2

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"A/N: Hey Uniquers! I'm back! Anyways, you are Y/N Nymphadora Potter and you are Victoire's age (15) and Teddy's 17. You are in Hufflepuff with Teddy.


Teddy's POV

"There's nothing wrong with me kissing Newt, Teddy!", Y/N yells snapping out of her shock.

"Yes, there is! You don't even like him that way!", I yell. Y/N freezes for a split second before glaring at me.

"How would you know that?!"

"I've seen the way you look at me".

"You are so cruel Teddy!", Y/N snaps, "So what if I like you? You don't like me, you just get my hopes up".

"What are you talking about?", I ask.

"All I have to say to you, Edward Remus Lupin is me or Victoire". Without looking back, she walks to the Girls' dorms.

 Y/N's POV

"Y/N, I'm so sorry", Newt says burying his face in his hands. I shake my head. 

"You didn't do anything Newt", I say, "It's not your fault."

"If I hadn't kissed you, you and Teddy wouldn't be fighting." 

"Newt, I was the one who kissed you, remember?"

"Oh yeah", Newt mumbles. He looks up at me blushing. 

"You're too cute", I say laughing and leaning against him. Newt's blush deepens as he hesitantly wraps his arm around me. I feel my cheeks heating up. Glancing at Newt, I smile and turn my attention to Quidditch Through the Ages

"Y/N!", a voice calls. I look up to find Victoire marching towards us. She's angry and I'm surprised there aren't any flames around her. She stops in front of us with her hands on her hips. She got Grandma's glare.

"H-Hey Vic", I stamper, "What's up?" She rolls her eyes and turns to Newt. 

"Newt, you don't mind if I borrow my cousin, right?", Victoire asks nicely. Newt gulps and nods. She smiles and grabs my arm pulling me up. Vic walks off pulling me with her. I give Newt a helpless look over my shoulder. She drags me to Ravenclaw tower.

"What's this about, Vic?", I ask once we're in her room. 

"What happened between you and Teddy?", she asks. 


"Did you guys fight?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"He's avoiding me and I've caught him looking at you."

"Victorie, we fought because he got mad I kissed Newt", I say. 

"You kissed Newt?! I'm so happy for you!!", Victoire squeals and hugs me. I push her off. She gives me a confused look. 

"I haven't been completely honest", I say avoiding her gaze, "I liked Teddy too but he went out with you." Victoire blinks. 

"You said liked", she says. I look up. 


"You said liked instead of like." I blush. 

"I did?", I say. 

"Y/N, do you think that maybe you like Newt now?", Vic asks. I blink as the truth hits me like a fucking bus. I jump up and turn to Vic.

"I think I do", I say, "I gotta go." Victoire smiles and nods. I turn around and walk off. 

Newt's POV

"We need to talk", Teddy says. I look up from my book. He sits down in the armchair next to me.

"About what Teddy?", I ask. 

"Y/N." He looks at the fire instead of at me. 

"What about her?"

"Do you like her?", Teddy mumbles. I take in a breath. 

"Yeah, I do."


"What Teddy?"

"I like her too. I'm planning on picking her over Vic." I clench my fists in my lap. 

"It's her choice you know", I say. 

"I know." We sit in silence until the common room open. Y/N comes running in. She stands still for a few seconds scanning the room for someone. She sees me and Teddy by the fire and runs towards us. Teddy and I smile at her. 

"Teddy, can we talk?", Y/N asks. 

"Sure", Teddy says nodding and I feel my heart shatter. 

"Teddy, pick Victoire."

"What?", Teddy and I say.

"Pick Vic."


"Because if you have to choose between me and her, choose her", Y/N says.


"Because if you really loved me, there wouldn't be any other choice."

"Y/N, I made my choice", Teddy says desperately. 

"And I've made mine", Y/N replies. 

"I pick you", Teddy says his voice cracking. Y/N freezes for a second before she gives a small sigh. 

"I'm sorry Teddy", Y/N says, "I'm in love with someone else. He's been there for me since the beginning." Teddy sighs. 


"I'm sorry Teddy", Y/N says. Teddy sighs before offering a small smile. 

"It's my fault", Teddy says. He gives her a hug and walks out. I look at her as she turns towards me. 

"Y/N?" I gasp as she climbs onto my lap. She presses her lips against mine wrapping her arms around my neck. She pulls away and smiles shyly. 

"It's you Newt", Y/N says, "It's always been you." I smile pressing my forehead against hers. 

"It's always been you", I echo back leaning in for another kiss. 

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