You Promised! (Fred x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Mae Granger, Hermione's older sister. You are the same age as Fred and George. You are a Gryffindor. 


"Hi, mind if we sit here?", a boy with ginger hair asks, causing me to look up and close my book. I shake my head as they both walk in and set their trunks next to mine. They both sit across from me and smile. 

"I'm George Weasley", says the one on the right. He holds his hand out for me to shake. 

"Y/N Granger", I reply, taking it. George's twin doesn't make an effort to introduce himself causing me to look at him curiously.

"That's Fred", George supplies kindly, "Don't mind him though. He's in one of his moods." I nod as Fred rolls his eyes. I open my Transfiguration book again and begin annotating. A few minutes pass by before any of us speak again.

"What house do you want to be in?" I look up at George. 

"Probably Gryffindor or Ravenclaw", I mumble, "What about you?" Fred finally seems to be in a better mood as he smiles at me. 

"We'll be in Gryffindor", he replies, "Our parents were in Gryffindor and all of our older brothers are in it." I nod as both Fred and George launch into telling me all about their family. I smile and chime into the conversation whenever they ask me about myself. 

----Time Skip----

I sigh as I walk back through the portrait into the Common Room with my heels in my hand. The Common Room was completely empty apart from my two best friends. Fred and George look up startled as I dramatically plop down on the love seat across from them. 

"Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Cedric Diggory?", asks George. I let out a loud shaky sigh as I rub my temples. 

"He stood me up", I mutter. 

"He WHAT?!", Fred yells. 

"What do you mean he stood you up?!", George asks angrily. 

"Exactly what I said, he stood me up", I say, tearing up, "I waited for Cedric outside the Three Broomsticks for at least an hour and he never showed." A sob escapes my throat as I struggle to hold back my tears, and before I know it, I'm bawling my eyes out. Both boys look at each other not knowing what to do. Finally, Fred gets up and squats down in front of my face. He hesitantly reaches out and wipes a few tears away gently. 

"Hey, don't cry", he whispers as George takes this as his cue to leave. I look up at him as he leans down and presses a small kiss to my forehead. This wasn't out of the ordinary since both twins always kiss my forehead or cheeks in a friendly manner. 

"Freddie...", I say as he lifts my head carefully. He sits down and places my head in his lap. 

"Cedric has no idea what he's missing."  He brushes my hair out of my face. 

"Don't be stupid." 

"I'm not being stupid! You're a wonderful person, Y/N Mae Granger", says Fred, "Never forget that." 

"Stop lying, Fred." 

"I'm not lying! Merlin, give yourself some credit!" I giggle as his thumb traces my ear.  I shiver slightly at the touch.

"Freddie", I say as my cheeks flush. Fred looks at me slightly dazed. I can tell he's debating something as he seems to have made up his mind. 

"You know, I've known you since we were 11", he says, "And I can't imagine my life without you." 

"Freddie, I-" My breath gets caught in my throat as he leans down. My body moves on its own and our lips meet in a deep and long kiss. We both pull away from lack of oxygen. I pant slightly from the kiss as our eyes meet. 

"I love you, Y/N Granger."

"I love you too, Freddie", I mumble. Fred sits me up from my laying position and pulls me onto his lap in a desperate motion as he kisses me deeply again. He rests his forehead against mine. A thought pops into my head causing my eyes to begin to water again.

"What's wrong, love?", asks Fred, brushing my hair out of my face. 

"How do I know you're not going to leave me alone?", I ask. 

"Y/N, I would never hurt you."

"I've heard those words before Freddie. How do I know you mean them?" He looks me straight in the eyes as his face turns into a serious expression. 

"Y/N Mae Granger, I promise I will never ever leave you alone", says Fred. I smile as he kisses me again. 

----Present Day----

"George!", I yell as he disarms the Death Eater attacking me. George knocks him out as he hurries to my side. He grabs my arm and makes his way out of the courtyard. The two of us double over as we try to catch our breaths. 


"Don't mention it", George says, "You're my best friend after all. Besides, Fred would kill me if I let you die." The two of us laugh as the battle dies down a bit. We make our way to the Great Hall where our eyes fell on a terrible sight. 

"FRED!!" The two of us rush over as Percy stands up. He wipes his eyes as George and I fall on our knees beside Fred. George shakes Fred gently. When he doesn't stir, both of us break down. Mrs. Weasley chokes back her own cries as she pulls George into her arm. I take the opportunity to throw myself onto Fred's body. 

"Fred, wake up!", I say desperately, "This isn't funny!" Tears blur my vision as Ron, Hermione, and Harry rush towards us. 

"Y/N", my sister whispers. 

"YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE, FREDDIE!!", I yell clutching fistfuls of his shirt in my hands tightly, "YOU PROMISED ME!!" 

"Y/N", Ginny says as her voice cracks. 


"Y/N", Ron and Harry whisper. 

"Please don't leave me, Freddie", I whimper as George ducks out from his mother's arms. He pulls me into his chest and I willingly collapse against his chest. I sob into his shirt as he strokes my hair. He silently sobs with me as we both cling to each other as if our lives depended on it. We stay in each other's arms and cry together for what felt like hours. Finally, George starts talking. 

"F-Fred truly loved you, Y/N", he says, "He loved you since we were 11." I pull away from him, just enough to look him in the eyes. 

"R-Really?", I mumble. George nods as I rest my head against his chest again. Silence falls between us once more. 



"I loved him since we were 11 too." George smiles weakly as we wipe our tears. 

"Let's finish this", George says, "For Fred."

"For Fred", I echo. He stands up and holds his hand out towards me. I turn back to Fred's body before pressing one final kiss to every part of his face.  I turn back to George and take his hand. George pulls me up and we face each other. 

"I can't afford to lose my sister too, so we're sticking together, okay?"

"Okay." He holds out his pinky. 

"Until the very end?", George asks. I smile slightly as I remember the first time Fred, George, and I made that promise. The promise to be the Dream Three forever. 

"Until the very end", I confirm as I link my pinky with his. The two of us link our arms together before marching back into battle as it starts up again. 

It's all for you, Freddie.

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