I Don't Hate You (Ron x Reader)

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A/N: Another day, another one-shot. This is a soulmate AU.  "The "soulmate AU" is a kind of fanfic or fanart that revolves around a setting where everyone has a one true love, however, there is a form of that ties the soulmates together. There are numerous ways for this concept to work. The most common is the "soulmate mark", which is a mark that soulmates share. This varies on the writer" -  tvtropes.org. So for this one, a tattoo appears on a person's body on their 16th birthday and their soulmates have matching or similar ones. Only soulmates have similar tattoos. Anyways, you are Y/N Granger (Hermione's twin sister) and a Gryffindor.


"Aren't you excited, Y/N?!", Hermione squeals.

"Merlin Hermione, it's just a mark!", I say, filing my nails.  

"Just a mark!! Just a mark!!", she repeats, "It's not just a mark!" 

"It is just a mark, Mione", I mumble. Hermione looks at me in disbelief.

"Y/N Granger, that 'mark' is what's going to help us find our soulmates!", Hermione shrieks, "It is not just a mark!" She hits me with a pillow over and over again causing me to roll my eyes.

"Alright! Alright!", I say, smacking the pillow out of her hand, "Don't get your panties in a twist!" Hermione's jaw drops as I push past her and plop down next to Harry. Ron glares at me and I glare back. 

"Y/N!", she shrieks. I snicker as Harry plops his head in my lap. Hermione follows my lead, sitting down next to Ron with Crookshanks in her lap. 

"Hermione, I don't really care about getting my soulmate mark", I say, "I want to focus on what's happening now. After all, we have the rest of our lives with our soulmates." She lets out an exasperated sigh as she pets Crookshanks.

"We're getting our tattoos tomorrow", says Hermione gently, "Y/N, you're going to find him this school year, whether you like it or not."  I huff slightly, looking down at Harry, and running my hand through his hair. He sighs contently as I look up to find Ron glaring at me again. I roll my eyes, looking down to trace Harry's scar with my finger. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Hermione's scream jolts me out of my dream and causes me to fall off my bed. I look up to find her looking at her hand in excitement. Parvati and Lavender look over in her direction with great curiosity. 

"I GOT MY SOULMATE TATTOO!!", shouts Hermione, jumping out of bed excitedly. Lavender and Parvati scramble over to her and look eagerly at Hermione's ring finger. 

"Ooo, it's so pretty!", exclaims Parvati. A keyhole rests on it with the initials D.M in the smallest print I have ever seen. Neither Hermione nor Lavender and Parvati notice them but I can see them clear as day. I smirk knowing what lies ahead as Hermione looks over her shoulder at me. 

"Y/N, did you get yours?" Lavender and Parvati look over at me with great interest.  I look at my hands and nothing was on them. 

"I don't think so." I slip on a bra before unbuttoning my pajama top. I slip it off and I hear three gasps from behind me. 

"What? What is it?", I ask, turning to look at them. Hermione points at my right arm and I look down. I gasp as I notice two thin black lines are wrapped all the way around my right arm. 

"Wow!", gasps Lavender, "It's so pretty." 

"Elegant", Parvati adds. 

"Just like Y/N", giggles Hermione. I blush and pull on my white blouse. I quickly button it and throw on my sweater. 

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